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VMware 3V0-31.22 PDF Exam Questions:

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VMware 3V0-31.22 PDF

Prepare VMware 3V0-31.22 Exam Within Short Time

Your knowledge and abilities are validated by passing the VMware 3V0-31.22 exam. Our PDF questions and answers will help you prepare for the 3V0-31.22 exam in a short time because it includes questions similar to the real VMware exam questions. After downloading the 3V0-31.22 VMware PDF exam questions, relevant to the actual exam, you can take a print of all questions and prepare them anytime, anywhere.

Realistic Scenario Based VMware 3V0-31.22 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified VMware Certified Advanced Professional and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real 3V0-31.22 questions. Students can benefit from the 3V0-31.22 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The 3V0-31.22 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based VMware 3V0-31.22 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.



As the Cloud Administrator, you have been tasked to update the Atlas App cloud template in the Atlas project. Perform the following tasks:

1. Edit the existing cloud template Atlas App. such that it is a multi-tier application that meets the following requirements:

* 2 Web servers

* 1 Database server

* The Database server is always built before the Web servers

* 2 NSX Networks:

o The first network should use the NAT feature

* Resource Name: external

* Second network should be an existing network

* Resource Name: internal o All networks should be restricted to use only the Atlas project networks

o The internal network should be restricted to use only the nsx-atlas-existing NSX network

* Both the web and db VMs should be connected to the internal network

2. Add an NSX load balancer to provide access from the outside to the two Web servers:

* Resource Name: IbWeb

* Port: 443

* Protocol: HTTPS

3. Assign an existing Security Group to the Web servers:

* Resource Name: sgWeb

* Instances: Web Sewers

* Constraint Tag Key: sg

* Constraint Tag Value: atlasweb

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

To update the Atlas App cloud template to meet the specified requirements, you would perform the following steps in vRealize Automation:

Task 1: Edit the Cloud Template for Multi-tier Application

Access the vRealize Automation console and navigate to Design > Cloud Templates.

Open the existing cloud template named ''Atlas App''.

Modify the template to include:

2 Web Server Instances: Define two instances of the web server component.

1 Database Server Instance: Define a single instance of the database server component.

Build Order: Ensure the database server is set to be built before the web servers by adjusting the dependsOn property.

2 NSX Networks:

External Network (NAT): Create a network resource with the name external and configure it to use NAT.

Internal Network (Existing): Create a network resource with the name internal and link it to the existing nsx-atlas-existing network.

Restrict Networks: Apply constraints to ensure that only networks associated with the Atlas project are used.

Task 2: Add NSX Load Balancer

In the cloud template, add an NSX load balancer resource with the name lbWeb.

Configure the load balancer to distribute traffic to the web servers on port 443 using the HTTPS protocol.

Task 3: Assign Security Group to Web Servers

Define a security group resource with the name sgWeb.

Assign this security group to the web server instances.

Use constraint tags with the key sg and value atlasweb to ensure the security group is applied correctly.

Here is a simplified example of what the YAML configuration might look like:



type: Cloud.Machine




type: Cloud.Machine


dependsOn: dbServer



type: Cloud.Machine


dependsOn: dbServer



type: Cloud.Network


networkType: nat



type: Cloud.Network


networkType: existing


- tag: 'nsx-atlas-existing'



type: Cloud.LoadBalancer


port: 443

protocol: HTTPS



type: Cloud.SecurityGroup


instances: [webServer1, webServer2]


- tag: 'sg:atlasweb'


Make sure to adjust the properties and configurations as needed to fit the specific details of your environment and the Atlas project. After updating the cloud template, validate the changes and ensure that the template meets all the requirements before saving.

Reliable Source Of Preparation For Advanced Deploy VMware vRealize Automation 8.x (v2) Exam.

We provide VMware Certified Advanced Professional certification questions along with answers to assist students in passing the VMware Exam. You can enhance your VMware 3V0-31.22 preparation with the help of an online practice engine. Try out our VMware 3V0-31.22 questions because 98% of Examskit users passed the final 3V0-31.22 exam in one go.