Our practice test software (Desktop & Online) offers a lot of various customization options. So, that everyone can prepare for exams at their own pace.
Exceptional Features Embedded in Our Three Formats!
Whether you are a job holder or you are busy with your daily life routines, we have curated actual certification exam questions in three formats. We know the importance of your precious time and money, therefore, we only include verified and updated exam questions and answers in our preparation material. If you prepare your exam from our preparation material there is no one stopping you from passing your certification on the first attempt.
Web-Based Practice Test Software
- No Download/Installation Required
- Compatible with All Major Browsers & Operating Systems
- Customize Your Practice Test
- Simulate Real Exam Environment
- Covers All Exam Topics
- Updates Questions on a Regular Basis
- Free Trial Version Available
PDF Format
- Compatible with All Devices including Smartphones
- Based on the Official Exam Syllabus
- Compiled by Subject-Matter Experts
- Prepare from Any Place, At Any Time
- No Outdated Questions
- 90 Days Free Updates
- Free Trial Available
Desktop Practice Test Software
- Set Your Own Time Limit
- Best for Self-Assessment
- Track Your Performance
- Maintained by Subject-Matter Experts
- Compatible with All Versions of Windows
- Customizable Test Sessions
- Covers Complete Syllabus
- Free Demo Available
Try Each Format Free Before the Purchase
ExamsKit is fully transparent with its potential customers. Therefore, we offer a free demo of our preparation material in each format. You can try our product before the actual purchase. We also offer free updates for up to three months. Also, our exceptional customer service is available 24/7 to assist you if you encounter any problems using the preparation material.

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Enriched with Customization Options
You can select both the types & number of questions on which you want to practice your exam, or you can create multiple practice tests by limiting the number of questions. Our practice test software also lets you set the difficulty level by changing the passing percentage for your practice test.
You can also learn to manage your time by customizing the time duration of your practice test or practice without a timer.

Track Your Performance with a Self-Analysis Report
There is no benefit of practice if you cannot track your progress. Our practice test software tracks your all time performance. When you complete a practice test you get a complete report of your attempt.
You get the report in the form of a bar graph. The graph shows your passing percentage, questions that are correct, and the time that you have taken to complete the practice test.
The practice test also keeps your attempt history. You can track your performance at any time by looking at the attempt history. So that, you can know where you stand in your preparation now!
Satisfied Customers - Our Pride
For a long time, ExamsKit has been helping its candidates to pass their certification exams. We have thousands of satisfied customers who used our preparation material and have passed their exam on the first attempt. Let's see how was their experience and hear it in their own words:

ExamsKit’s Ericsson ECP-206 simulated questions are such that they helped me give a peek into the actual exams. I also liked the fact that they are affordable and come with a lot of features to clear the certification exam.

The syllabus is not that tough but there are a couple of topics in the syllabus that needs attention. But practicing on the mock tests at ExamsKit helped me clear Ericsson ECP-206 exam on the first attempt.