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ServiceNow CAS-PA PDF Exam Questions:

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ServiceNow CAS-PA PDF

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Realistic Scenario Based ServiceNow CAS-PA PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified Certified Application Specialist and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real CAS-PA questions. Students can benefit from the CAS-PA exam questions which are available in PDF format. The CAS-PA exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based ServiceNow CAS-PA questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


What option on the breakdown source record helps provide views into whether you need to create additional breakdowns or adjust data values?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

When you select an indicator as the data source, you can filter the results by breakdown and breakdown element.

If you have the 'Label for unmatched' field defined on the breakdown source for a selected breakdown, this label appears in your choice of Elements.

Select the label to display scores that do not match any of the elements.

This option helps provide views into whether you need to create additional breakdowns or adjust data values.


What data update settings can you enable for a single score visualisation to update the score in real-time?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

Enabling 'Real time update' from the data update settings updates a single score visualisation in real-time.

'Show score update time' shows the timestamp of when the score was last updated.

'Background refresh interval (minutes)' shows how often, in minutes, the landing page refreshes the visualisation if you have navigated away from it.

With 'Live refresh rate (seconds)', you can choose the frequency in non-decimal seconds to have a single score reporting widget refresh. If set at '0', the score does not refresh.


How does KPI Signals support notifications?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

To support notifications, the KPI Signals application provides automated signal detection jobs. For formula indicators, you can modify the jobs to line up with the data collection jobs for the contributing indicators.

The KPI Signals application includes jobs that detect signals automatically. These jobs run so responsible users can be notified of new signals without opening the application. The job for signals on formula indicators requires scheduling.

When you view an indicator in KPI Details and open the KPI Signals panel, that indicator is checked for signals. You, therefore, always have the most up-to-date signals. However, the KPI Signals application also has automated signal detection jobs. These jobs send notifications about signals to subscribed users without them having the application open.


What 'related lists' are available on the formula indicator form? (Choose three.)

Answer: A, B, C

See the explanation below.

Here are the available related lists on the baseline configuration when navigating to the Formula Indicators form: Breakdowns, Contributing Indicators, Time series exclusions, Targets, Thresholds, and Diagnostic Results.

'Signals' is not an out-of-the-box related list on the Formula Indicators form.

Use the Contributing indicators related list to navigate to the indicators used in the formula or their indicator sources. If you include another formula indicator in the formula, both that indicator and its contributing indicators are listed.


Which of the following visualisation types allow you to add multiple data sources of the same type in the UI Builder? (Choose two.)

Answer: B, C

See the explanation below.

You can add multiple data sources of the same type for time series (including Area, Column, Line, Stepline, and Spline) and bar (including Horizontal bar and Vertical bar) visualisations.

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