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Scaled Agile SSM PDF Exam Questions:

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Scaled Agile SSM PDF

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Your knowledge and abilities are validated by passing the Scaled Agile SSM exam. Our PDF questions and answers will help you prepare for the SSM exam in a short time because it includes questions similar to the real Scaled Agile exam questions. After downloading the SSM Scaled Agile PDF exam questions, relevant to the actual exam, you can take a print of all questions and prepare them anytime, anywhere.

Realistic Scenario Based Scaled Agile SSM PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified SAFe Scrum Master and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real SSM questions. Students can benefit from the SSM exam questions which are available in PDF format. The SSM exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based Scaled Agile SSM questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


What is one responsibility of a Scrum Master/Team Coach?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

One of the responsibilities of a Scrum Master/Team Coach is to help the team achieve flow, which is a state of continuous and sustainable delivery of value. They do this by teaching and coaching the team on SAFe Scrum and SAFe Team Kanban practices, such as limiting work in progress, visualizing work, managing queues, and reducing batch sizes. They also help identify and eliminate impediments and bottlenecks that hinder the team's progress and performance.

Scrum Master/Team Coach - Scaled Agile Framework

Exam Study Guide: SSM (6.0) - SAFe Scrum Master


What is one way to ensure a team is holding successful Iteration Reviews and demos?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

One way to ensure a team is holding successful iteration reviews and demos is to have the team demo working, tested system components that meet the definition of done (DoD). This shows the team's progress and value delivery, and allows them to receive feedback from the product owner and other stakeholders. The team should minimize the use of slides and the preparation time for the demos, and focus on the solution instead of the presentation. The team should also discuss the impact of the current solution on the nonfunctional requirements (NFRs) and identify any risks or impediments.

Iteration Review - Scaled Agile Framework

Exam Study Guide: SSM (6.0) - SAFe Scrum Master


What is one anti-pattern of the Inspect and Adapt?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

One anti-pattern of the Inspect and Adapt (I&A) is to have no actionable improvement Features created as a result of the problem-solving workshop. This is considered an anti-pattern because the main goal of the I&A workshop is to identify and address the systemic issues that are limiting the effectiveness of the Agile Release Train (ART). The workshop should produce one or more improvement Features that are added to the ART backlog and prioritized for the next PI Planning event. These Features should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) and aligned with the ART vision and goals. Without actionable improvement Features, the ART will miss the opportunity to learn and improve from the feedback and data collected during the PI.

Inspect and Adapt - Scaled Agile Framework

Exam Study Guide: SSM (6.0) - SAFe Scrum Master

based on SAFe 60 methodology What is one antipattern of the


What is one purpose of Iteration Goals?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

One purpose of iteration goals is to align team members to a common purpose and vision. Iteration goals are a high-level summary of the business and technical goals that an Agile Team agrees to accomplish in an iteration. They help the team and the product owner to reach agreement on the business value they intend to deliver, align their work to their team PI objectives, and ground everyone on their shared purpose. Iteration goals also provide transparency and management information, as well as support the coordination and dependency management of the Agile Release Train (ART).

Iteration Goals - Scaled Agile Framework

Exam Study Guide: SSM (6.0) - SAFe Scrum Master


What is one Scrum value that can help Agile Teams create transparency?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

Respect is one of the five Scrum values that can help Agile Teams create transparency. Respect means that team members value each other's opinions, skills, and contributions, and treat each other with dignity and professionalism. Respect also means that team members are honest and open with each other, and share information and feedback without hiding or withholding anything. By respecting each other, Agile Teams can foster a culture of trust and collaboration, where everyone feels comfortable to express their ideas, concerns, and issues, and work together to solve them. Transparency is essential for Agile Teams to inspect and adapt their work, and to align their actions with the vision and goals of the organization.

Scrum Values Poster | Scrum.org

Core Values - Scaled Agile Framework

Exam Study Guide: SSM (6.0) - SAFe Scrum Master

Reliable Source Of Preparation For SSM (6.0) - SAFe Scrum Master Exam.

We provide SAFe Scrum Master certification questions along with answers to assist students in passing the Scaled Agile Exam. You can enhance your Scaled Agile SSM preparation with the help of an online practice engine. Try out our Scaled Agile SSM questions because 98% of Examskit users passed the final SSM exam in one go.