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Scaled Agile SAFe-SGP PDF Exam Questions:

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Scaled Agile SAFe-SGP PDF

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Realistic Scenario Based Scaled Agile SAFe-SGP PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified SAFe Practitioner Certification and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real SAFe-SGP questions. Students can benefit from the SAFe-SGP exam questions which are available in PDF format. The SAFe-SGP exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based Scaled Agile SAFe-SGP questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


When should government technology programs be organized as Solution Trains?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

According to theSolution Trainarticle on the Scaled Agile Framework website, Solution Trains are the organizational construct used to build large solutions that require the coordination of multiple ARTs and suppliers. The article states that ''Solution Trains form for different reasons. Some trains form with new ARTs and Agile Teams to specifically address a large initiative, while others begin by combining existing ARTs and teams.'' Therefore, the correct answer is D, when the size and complexity require two or more ARTs. The other options are not relevant to the definition of a Solution Train.


When do organizations begin realizing better results when following the Implementation Roadmap?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

According to theImplementation Roadmaparticle on the Scaled Agile Framework website, organizations begin realizing better results when following the Implementation Roadmap as soon as the first Program Increment (PI). The article states that ''The first PI is a critical milestone. It's the first time the new ART delivers a fully integrated and tested increment of value. It's also the first time the ART demonstrates its new way of working to the enterprise and its stakeholders. The first PI is a big deal. It's a celebration of the new culture and the new way of working. It's also the first time the enterprise can see the benefits of the new approach.'' Therefore, the correct answer is B, as soon as the first Program Increment. The other options are not accurate, as the roadmap consists of more than just steps, training, or metrics. It is a continuous journey of learning and improvement.


How does the Incremental Capability Review help streamline execution reviews?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

According to theAdapting Governance Practices to Support Agility and Lean Flow of Valuearticle on the Scaled Agile Framework website, the Incremental Capability Review is an objective-based progress review that replaces the traditional phase-gate reviews. The article states that ''The Incremental Capability Review (ICR) is a new governance practice that provides a more effective way to measure progress and manage risk. It is based on the principle of objective evidence of working systems rather than subjective opinions and documentation. The ICR is a lightweight, collaborative, and transparent review process that aligns with the PI cadence and events. It leverages the System Demo, Inspect and Adapt, and PI Planning to provide frequent and incremental checks of the solution's fitness for purpose and compliance with relevant standards and regulations.'' Therefore, the correct answer is A, it is an objective-based progress review. The other options are not accurate, as the ICR is not the default for phase-gate reviews, it is not a document-based progress measure, and it does not ensure manual review of processes.


What type of decision should be decentralized?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

According to theDecentralize Decision-Makingarticle on the Scaled Agile Framework website, the type of decision that should be decentralized is the one that has a high cost of delay. The article states that ''All other decisions should be decentralized. Characteristics of these types of decisions include: Frequent -- The problems addressed by decentralized decisions are recurrent and common (e.g., Team and Program Backlog prioritization, real-time Agile Release Train [ART] scoping, response to defects and emerging issues). Time-critical -- The cost of delay for these decisions is high, and waiting for approval or consensus would cause significant waste or missed opportunities. Reversible -- The consequences of these decisions are not long-lasting or irreversible and can be easily changed or corrected if needed.'' Therefore, the correct answer is A, high cost of delay. The other options are not accurate, as they are either irrelevant or better suited for centralized decisions.


What principle from the House of Lean explains the purpose of the PI Planning retrospective?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

According to theHouse of Leanarticle on the Scaled Agile Framework website, the principle that explains the purpose of the PI Planning retrospective is relentless improvement. The article states that ''Relentless improvement is a constant sense of danger combined with a paranoid desire to find a better way. It's a culture of organizational self-assessment, problem-solving, and action. It's a willingness to change before the crisis forces us to do so. It's a commitment to relentless reflection and a continuous learning journey.'' Therefore, the correct answer is D, relentless improvement. The other options are not accurate, as they are not the principles that directly relate to the PI Planning retrospective. Respect for people and culture is the foundation of the House of Lean, innovation is the roof, and flow is another principle that supports value delivery.

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