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SAP SRM provides predefined technical events for business objects. Events can be triggered by any of the following:
See the explanation below.
Event schemas are used to control the effects of the events that belong to the business objects. They can be used to define the deadline for triggering a reaction to the event.
Event categories are used to define the nature of this reaction.
The system determines the recipient for event category Alert using alert category; it sends one of the following:
An alert, using alert category.
A message, using SAP Smart Form.
A work item, using workflow.
Note that an event always occurs at a predefined time. However, you can trigger an alert or message before or after this time by specifying a negative or positive value. If you enter no deadline, the system assumes that the value is zero and the alert is triggered at the moment of the event.
In order to distribute the workload of purchasers, SRM offers the so called automatic assignment. In this context, which of the following are true?
See the explanation below.
Automatic assignment of a purchasing group or purchasing organization can be carried out for the following documents:
External requirements
Purchase orders
Assigned documents automatically appear for processing in the work lists of the purchasers that belong to the purchasing group or organization. The documents are automatically assigned to the purchasing group according to given criteria. This speeds up the entire procurement process, since documents do not have to be assigned manually in order for the purchasers responsible to process them.
It is also possible to reassign documents that have already been assigned to a purchasing group or organization --- if the purchaser responsible for the group or organization is absent, for example.
You need to have implemented and activated the Business Add-In (BAdI)
BBP_PGRP_ASSIGN_BADI. Here the rules covering the assignment of purchasing groups to documents are defined.
This BAdI contains a method for each type of document to be assigned:
BBP_SC_PGRP_ASSIGN for external requirements
BBP_PO_PGRP_ASSIGN for purchase orders
BBP_CT_PGRP_ASSIGN for contracts
If you do not define any rules, the system distributes the documents to a standard
purchasing group or organization, as defined in your organizational plan.
You can reassign these documents manually or redefine assignment rules in the abovementioned
BAdI and rerun the automatic workload distribution. To do this, you set the filter value ONLINE in the BAdI BBP_PGRP_ASSIGN_BADI.
Process Flow
The workload distribution process is outlined below. The two diagrams show the process for requirements. Details of each diagram are described underneath each diagram.
Documents cannot be assigned to purchasing groups that are themselves assigned to different purchasing organizations. Besides, purchasing groups and organizations must reference the same logical system in the back-end.
Distribution for Requirements
1. A purchasing requisition is sent to SAP SRM, where it is converted into an external requirement.
2. Upon creation of the external requirements, method BBP_SC_PGRP_ASSIGN of the BAdI BBP_PGRP_ASSIGN_BADI applies the distribution rules.
3. If the requirement conforms to the rules, it is automatically assigned to the correct
purchasing group (in this example, purchasing group 01).
4. If no assignment rules are maintained in the BAdI, the standard purchasing group (as defined in the organizational plan --- in this example, 99) is assigned. The standard purchasing group is also assigned to the shopping carts that are created in SAP Supplier Relationship Management. In this case, you can proceed as follows:
Assign a purchasing document manually
Define the assignment rules and have the system automatically reassign a purchasing group.
If you do not redistribute the workload, the requirement retains the standard purchasing group.
One purchase requisition can have multiple lines, each of which is assigned to a different purchasing group.
SRM Users can use a supplier list to search for sources of supply for their purchases.
This supplier list is compiled by the purchaser for specific products or product categories and contains suppliers and back-end contracts.
In order to integrate the supplier list into the Shop & Sourcing applications, which of the following activities are relevant?
See the explanation below.
The number range for the supplier list has been defined.
This need to be done in Customizing for SAP Supplier Relationship Management under SRM Server -> Cross-Application -> Basic Settings ->Number Ranges ->SRM Server Number Ranges -> Define Number Ranges for Supplier List.
Carry out the following settings in Customizing:
For the Shop application, you can specify that only the supplier list is to be used, or that the entries from the supplier list are displayed in an additional column in the original source of supply list.
You can use a Business Add-In (BAdI) to define detailed criteria to display the supplier list.
Supplier lists can be created for products or for product categories (and NOT for Product set-types). Product supplier lists take precedence over product category supplier lists
Possible sources of supply in the supplier list are:
Back-end contracts
You can do the following:
Assign suppliers that belong to the purchasing organization selected on header level.
Deactivate individual suppliers or back-end contracts within a supplier list. These are then no longer shown in the applications.
Search for contracts directly in the back-end system using the input help, and subsequently transfer them.
Pricing is a method of determining prices using the condition technique. SAP SRM uses Pricing when purchase documents are created. The system automatically determines the gross price and any surcharges and discounts that apply to a specific supplier according to defined conditions.
Which of the following are essential elements of the condition technique?
See the explanation below.
Pricing consists of the following elements:
Condition Type
A condition type serves to differentiate between prices in the system. You can define a separate condition type for each type of price, surcharge or discount that may arise in your business transactions. The condition type defines, for example, a discount as a fixed amount or as a percentage.
For example, you can apply release-based rebates that depend on former spend or volume, based on historical spend and not on a single purchase order. Therefore, you can assign a condition where the discounts are based on aggregated release value of the referenced contract or contract hierarchy (if the contract is part of a hierarchy) has been introduced. You can also define group conditions with which scales are used in several items of a purchase order.
Calculation Schema
The calculation schema describes a sequence of condition types that are used to determine prices. In SAP SRM, the calculation schema 0100 is defined as default. You can modify this and add your own condition types.
Access Sequence
An access sequence is a search strategy with which the system looks for valid data for a specific condition type. You can define an access sequence for each condition type. In SAP SRM, the access sequences are predefined.
Condition Table
A condition table contains price information on a master data type, for example, on a product master. If you define a product price or a special discount, for example, you create condition records in the relevant condition table.
You can calculate sales tax in SAP Supplier Relationship Management (SAP SRM).
The tax is calculated when you create a shopping cart, enter a purchase order, or enter an invoice or a credit memo.
See the explanation below.
You can use the tax calculation functions in the following applications:
Create Shopping Cart :
The system determines a tax indicator. You can change the default tax indicator. You can display the tax amounts per item and as total amount. You can define whether the tax amount is to be taken into account with approval using workflow.
Process Purchase Order:
You can change the default tax indicator. The system calculates the tax on the basis of the current data. You can display the tax amounts per item and as total amount.
Enter Invoice:
You can change the default tax indicator. Depending on the legal requirements, the system calculates the taxes either per item or as a total amount. In addition, you can enter the taxes manually for each tax code or as a total tax amount.
Enter Credit Memo:
You can change the default tax indicator. Depending on the legal requirements, the system calculates the taxes either per item or as a total amount. In addition, you can enter the taxes manually for each tax code or as a total tax amount.
Evaluated Receipt Settlement:
Tax is recalculated. You define the tax code in the purchase order.
Tax calculation can occur in the following systems:
Back-end system: Tax calculation occurs in the financial accounting system
External tax system
Customer-specific implementation: Calculation occurs in SAP SRM
SAP Transaction Tax Engine (TTE)
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