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Salesforce Media-Cloud-Consultant PDF Exam Questions:

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Salesforce Media-Cloud-Consultant PDF

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Realistic Scenario Based Salesforce Media-Cloud-Consultant PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified Salesforce Consultant and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real Media-Cloud-Consultant questions. Students can benefit from the Media-Cloud-Consultant exam questions which are available in PDF format. The Media-Cloud-Consultant exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based Salesforce Media-Cloud-Consultant questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Which two objects should a consultant ensure the user has write access to, for the seller to create media plans for digital products using the Advertising Sales Management (ASM) Create Media Plan omniScript?

Answer: A, D

See the explanation below.

For a seller to create media plans for digital products using the Advertising Sales Management (ASM) Create Media Plan OmniScript in Salesforce Media Cloud, it's essential they have write access to specific objects that are integral to the media planning and sales process. These objects include:

Quotes: This object is critical as it allows sellers to propose prices for various advertising spots or spaces within media content. The quote object captures proposed prices for ad placements, making it a central piece in creating a media plan.

Ad Quote Line: This object represents individual line items within a quote, detailing specific ad placements, durations, and other relevant specifications for each proposed ad spot within the media plan.

Ensuring sellers have write access to these objects enables them to efficiently create, modify, and propose media plans to prospective advertisers, streamlining the sales process.

Salesforce Advertising Sales Management documentation: https://help.salesforce.com/

Salesforce Media Cloud resources: https://www.salesforce.com/products/media-cloud/overview/


Which two objects in the media cloud data model hold specific ad sales information within the advertising sales management application?

Answer: B, D

See the explanation below.

Within the Salesforce Media Cloud data model, specifically in the Advertising Sales Management application, certain objects hold vital ad sales information:

Quote: This object is pivotal in capturing proposed pricing and terms for advertising spots. It serves as a formal proposal to potential advertisers, outlining the costs associated with different ad placements within media content.

Media Plan Placement: This object details the specifics of each ad placement within a media plan, including its location, duration, and any other relevant criteria. It is crucial for organizing and managing where and how ads will be displayed in media content.

These objects are integral to managing the ad sales process, from proposing pricing to detailing the specifics of ad placements.

Salesforce Advertising Sales Management documentation: https://help.salesforce.com/

Salesforce Media Cloud resources: https://www.salesforce.com/products/media-cloud/overview/


Which two actions take place, when an insertion order is created and submitted in media cloud advertising sales management (ASM)?

Answer: A, C

See the explanation below.

When an insertion order is created and submitted in the Media Cloud Advertising Sales Management (ASM), several key actions take place:

A flow is initiated for asset creation and billing: This step involves initiating processes for creating the necessary ad assets and setting up billing arrangements for the advertiser. It ensures that all creative materials are prepared and billing is set up in accordance with the terms of the insertion order.

Order is submitted to industries order management: This involves integrating the order into Salesforce's broader industries order management system. This step is crucial for ensuring the order is processed and managed efficiently within the larger ecosystem of Salesforce's industry-specific solutions.

These actions are essential for transitioning from the sales phase to the execution phase of ad campaigns within the Salesforce Media Cloud environment.

Salesforce Advertising Sales Management documentation: https://help.salesforce.com/

Salesforce Industries Order Management resources: https://www.salesforce.com/products/industries/order-management/


Which sObject defines the resolution of the device used when an ad needs to be de displayed as part of digital ad sales?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

The Ad Creative Size Type sObject in Salesforce Media Cloud defines the resolution and dimensions required for ad creatives to be properly displayed across different devices. This object is crucial in digital ad sales as it ensures that ads are appropriately formatted and rendered on various screens, enhancing the viewer's experience and the effectiveness of the advertisement. By specifying the resolution and size of ad creatives, this object helps in maintaining consistency and quality in ad presentations across different media channels.

Salesforce Media Cloud documentation: https://help.salesforce.com/

Salesforce Advertising Sales Management resources: https://www.salesforce.com/products/media-cloud/overview/


Which tool should a consultant include in the design for a media cloud advertising sales managment (ASM) org when looking to enable a company to track campaign performance from external servers?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

To enable a company to track campaign performance from external servers within a Media Cloud Advertising Sales Management (ASM) org, the consultant should include Marketing Cloud Intelligence in the design. Marketing Cloud Intelligence provides advanced analytics and data integration capabilities, allowing companies to aggregate, analyze, and visualize data from various sources, including external servers. This tool enables the tracking of campaign performance across different platforms and media, offering comprehensive insights into the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Intelligence documentation: https://help.salesforce.com/

Salesforce Media Cloud resources: https://www.salesforce.com/products/media-cloud/overview/

Reliable Source Of Preparation For Salesforce Media Cloud Consultant Exam .

We provide Salesforce Consultant certification questions along with answers to assist students in passing the Salesforce Exam. You can enhance your Salesforce Media-Cloud-Consultant preparation with the help of an online practice engine. Try out our Salesforce Media-Cloud-Consultant questions because 98% of Examskit users passed the final Media-Cloud-Consultant exam in one go.