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Salesforce Energy-and-Utilities-Cloud PDF Exam Questions:

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Salesforce Energy-and-Utilities-Cloud PDF

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Realistic Scenario Based Salesforce Energy-and-Utilities-Cloud PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified Accredited Professional Exams and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real Energy-and-Utilities-Cloud questions. Students can benefit from the Energy-and-Utilities-Cloud exam questions which are available in PDF format. The Energy-and-Utilities-Cloud exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based Salesforce Energy-and-Utilities-Cloud questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


An Administrator needs help generating an accurate report to identify the average response time to installing new electricity connections.

What two elements need to be defined during the discovery phase of the implementation?

Answer: A, D

See the explanation below.

During the discovery phase of implementing Salesforce Energy and Utilities Cloud, focusing on generating an accurate report for the average response time to installing new electricity connections, two critical elements need to be defined. Firstly, identifying the data sources is essential for generating comprehensive customer new connections reports and dashboards. These data sources could include service request records, installation records, and any other related datasets that capture the timeline from request to connection establishment. Secondly, defining the metrics to measure the process is crucial. Metrics might include average response time, number of installations completed within a target time frame, and customer satisfaction levels post-connection. By focusing on these elements, an organization can ensure that they are capturing and evaluating the right data to improve and report on their new connections process effectively. Reference = Salesforce Energy and Utilities Cloud documentation emphasizes the importance of understanding the customer lifecycle and enhancing operational efficiency through accurate data management and metric evaluation. Specific references to setting up reports and dashboards, and defining success metrics can be found under topics related to data management and analytics within the Energy and Utilities Cloud resources.


Energy and utility organizations are going through digital transformations that place a greater focus on customers and employees

Which three changes are disrupting the energy and utilities market?

Answer: A, B, E

See the explanation below.

The energy and utilities market is currently experiencing significant disruption due to several factors. Regulatory and technology changes are at the forefront, with new policies and advancements in technology pushing companies towards more sustainable and efficient operations. Digital-first strategies and the capability to work from anywhere in real time are also transformative, as they allow for greater flexibility, improved customer service, and enhanced operational efficiency. Finally, changing customer expectations and values, particularly regarding sustainability, reliability, and personalized service, are influencing how energy and utilities companies operate. These disruptions require companies to adapt and innovate, leveraging digital transformation to meet evolving demands. Reference = These insights are based on Salesforce's discussions on industry trends and challenges within the Energy and Utilities Cloud documentation and resources. Key topics include digital transformation, customer engagement, and adapting to regulatory changes. Salesforce's industry insights and trend analysis provide a comprehensive overview of these disruptions.


An energy company is looking to track relationships with their electricity and gas business-to-consumer (B2C) subscribers and differentiate them from their business-to-business (B2B) corporate accounts.

Which two functionalities should the energy and utilities consultant use for the customer data model?

Answer: B, C

See the explanation below.

To track relationships with electricity and gas B2C subscribers and differentiate them from B2B corporate accounts effectively, consultants should utilize two specific functionalities within Salesforce Energy and Utilities Cloud. The first is enabling Person Accounts to model consumers. Person Accounts are ideal for B2C scenarios because they allow for the representation of individual consumers in a manner that's separate from the more complex B2B corporate accounts, which are typically modeled using standard Account records. Secondly, using the Consumer Account record type can further differentiate between these two distinct types of customers. This functionality allows for the customization of fields, page layouts, and processes specific to the consumer sector, facilitating more targeted management and engagement strategies. Reference = The Salesforce Energy and Utilities Cloud documentation offers guidance on configuring the customer data model to support diverse customer types, including B2B and B2C. Specific sections on Account and Contact Management provide insights into the use of Person Accounts and record types for segmenting and managing customer relationships effectively.


Energy and Utilities Cloud has the capability to provide access to information using several different data access methods Using the Digital Interaction Platform, online web portals, internal console applications, and mobile applications are all examples of which data access technology?


When preparing a demo of Energy and Utilities Cloud, the consultant needs to showcase a customer's 360-degree view that allows the customer service agents of the company to see the following information in one glance:

* Identify the caller

* Provide answers to questions about billing. consumption, and payments

* Add meter readings

* Manage user complaints.

* Perform user requests such as Start Service. Stop Service, and Set Up a Payment Plan.

Which two functionalities should the consultant use to achieve this?

Reliable Source Of Preparation For Salesforce Energy and Utilities Cloud Accredited Professional Exam.

We provide Accredited Professional Exams certification questions along with answers to assist students in passing the Salesforce Exam. You can enhance your Salesforce Energy-and-Utilities-Cloud preparation with the help of an online practice engine. Try out our Salesforce Energy-and-Utilities-Cloud questions because 98% of Examskit users passed the final Energy-and-Utilities-Cloud exam in one go.