What is the best way to pass the Advanced Administrator exam?
The best way to pass the Advanced Administrator exam is to prepare your exam with some proper preparation material. Don’t waste your time on useless and outdated questions. Use our regularly updated Advanced Administrator exam questions and trust us, you will not be disappointed.
Where do I find updated Advanced Administrator exam questions?
Don't worry, you are at the right place. We have the most updated and accurate Advanced Administrator exam questions, as well as correct solutions that have been reviewed by our certified specialists and professionals.
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Salesforce Advanced Administrator Exam Questions

Salesforce Advanced Administrator - Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator

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Advanced Administrator Questions

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Reading Time: 7 mins | Publish Date: 15-05-2019 | Update Date: 04-02-2025

Salesforce Advanced Administrator Certification Basic Info:

The Salesforce Advanced Administrator Certification is a renowned certification that Salesforce offers. This certification verifies the applicants' comprehensive understanding and skill in managing Salesforce applications and implementing advanced features and functions. Additionally, this certification validates the professionals' mastery of Salesforce configuration management, their capacity to exhibit an awareness of best practices for administration, and their capacity to utilize sophisticated features and functionality to address various business issues.

What You Require To Take The Salesforce Advanced Administrator Exam?

Before pursuing this credential exam, the candidates are required to follow the below-given prerequisites:

  • Candidates must already hold the Salesforce Administrator Certification before attempting the Salesforce Advanced Administrator Certification.
  • The candidates are required to have considerable experience performing as a Salesforce Administrator.
  • They must be familiar with the fundamentals of Salesforce configuration maintenance.

The Targeted Audience For Salesforce Advanced Administrator Credential:

An individual with substantial experience working as a Salesforce Administrator, including practical expertise using the skills and ideas, is the target candidate for the Salesforce Certified Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam. The applicant is a Salesforce Certified Administrator who has passed the Administer, Extend, and Automate Salesforce (ADX211) exam from Salesforce or an authorized training facility or has complementary skills and experience.

The Syllabus Outline For Salesforce Advanced Administrator Exam:

This exam comprised 60 multiple-choice questions, and 5 unscored questions. The given time to complete this exam is 105 minutes. The passing percentage for this credential exam is 65%. It means that the candidates must score 39 out of 60 to clear this exam. The applicants are required to have an in-depth knowledge of the following topics that help them better prepare for this credential exam:

  • Understanding of Security and Access – 20%
  • Knowledge of Objects and Applications – 19%
  • Command on Auditing and Monitoring – 10%
  • Concept of Cloud Applications – 11%
  • Understanding of Data and Analytics Management – 13%
  • Knowledge of Environment Management and Deployment – 7%
  • Command on Process Automation – 20%

The Competencies of A Certified Salesforce Advanced Administrator:

Those candidates who have earned this certification demonstrate the following competencies:

  • Qualified candidates may define record and field data access properly according to company needs.
  • They can establish the proper relationship types and develop new objects.
  • They have the necessary skills to set up and customize Sales and Service Cloud apps.
  • They can comprehend forecasting's potential.
  • They are professionals at configuring and setting up Salesforce Knowledge and entitlements.
  • Using typical Salesforce features, they may assess, purge, and manage the quality of the data.
  • They can comprehend sandbox capabilities and the methods provided to transfer data between environments.
  • To create reports that satisfy complex business needs, they may use custom report categories, reporting snapshots, intricate graphing, unique summary formulae, bucketing, joined reports, and cross-filters.
  • To improve dashboards, they can also employ dynamic dashboards and dashboard filters.
  • They can construct flows, workflow rules, approval procedures, and formula fields to automate intricate business processes.

What Benefits Do You Gain With Salesforce Advanced Administrator Credential?

Obtaining this credential has several benefits, including:

  • The certification validates the candidates' advanced knowledge and abilities in Salesforce administration. It showcases their ability to design and administer complicated Salesforce systems, establishing them as experts in the platform's administration capabilities.
  • This accreditation can significantly improve the candidates' professional possibilities. Many businesses emphasize certified experts when hiring for advanced or leadership positions inside their company.
  • This certification increases their chances of landing a job with competitive pay and perks.
  • It might help candidates negotiate a higher wage or advance within your organization.
  • This certification validates their knowledge of Salesforce administration and gives them a genuine and recognized certificate.
  • It acknowledges the candidates' skills and gives them access to a supportive network of experts.

Let’s Schedule Your Salesforce Advanced Administrator Exam:

The exam can be given online or at testing centers. Kryterion is the testing service provider for this credential exam if the candidates want to take the exam in the testing centers. Before registering, it is required for the candidates to create a Webassessor account if they do not have one. The following are the guidelines to follow to register for this credential exam:

  • Visit the official website of Salesforce Certification and log in to your Webassesser account.
  • Then, search for the exam registration page and choose the Salesforce Advanced Administrator Certification exam from the given options.
  • Then select your preferred date and time for the exam either online or at a physical test center.
  • The payment charges for taking this credential exam are 200 USD plus applicable taxes. Purchase the exam voucher.
  • When you submit the payment charges, your exam will be scheduled.

Salesforce Advanced Administrator Exam - Latest Discussion About Preparation:

The candidates for this certification exam should not rely on study guides and free-of-cost training which are available all over the internet because these are not more than enough for the Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam candidate's preparation. Candidates need a constant flow through valid and latest Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam questions along with regular prep-evaluation to secure their exam success.

The preparation means hours of self-study can become worthless without a regular and optimized system for the practice of Salesforce questions. To achieve practicing goals candidates need more reliable study resources which can provide them with realistic Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam questions. It can make them confident in their preparation and help them overcome the fear of failure leading to first-attempt Salesforce Certification exam success.

Candidates for the Salesforce Advanced Administrator certification exam need to know the questioning techniques used in this certification exam. It will make them prepared for any surprise in their final exam. All the factors discussed in this section are the requirement for strong preparation for the Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam.

Salesforce Advanced Administrator Exam Preparation - Optimal Study Plan:

We have arranged a list of steps that if followed can guide the Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam candidates to an optimal study plan:

  • Download the latest/updated syllabus information from the Salesforce official website.
  • Divide the Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam syllabus topics depending on the time frame available for your preparation. Setting up your goals for syllabus completion and revision is key to getting prep confidence.
  • Start hunting for the most recent and relevant Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam questions.
  • Make a precise and organized database of your Salesforce exam prep material by arranging the list of topics along with questions that are relevant to the topic.
  • Find a mock exam simulator so you can practice the Salesforce Advanced Administrator questions and enhance your prep confidence.
  • Success in the Salesforce exam comes when study hours and hours for the practice of Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam questions are aligned with each other.
  • Frequent preparation evaluation is necessary to know the current status of your Salesforce preparation as well as the extent to which the syllabus is completed.

ExamsKit - Your Secret Success Partner in Salesforce Advanced Administrator Exam!

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The following benefits provide the reason behind the absolute success of Salesforce exam candidates who prepare with our questions:

  1. Ready to download the Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam questions pdf in which the questions with the latest questioning techniques have been compiled.
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  4. Practicing with our Salesforce Advanced Administrator Practice Test software will reveal the actual exam environment before you and will confirm your first-attempt exam at success in the exam.
  5. ExamsKit focuses on self-assessment with the help of its unique Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam questions which not only provide the candidates a clear evaluation of strengths and weaknesses in exam preparation. But also it saves them from getting any surprises in their final Salesforce exam.
  6. Examskit Salesforce Advanced Administrator Exam questions get instant and free updates when there is a change in the questioning styles in the Salesforce Advanced Administrator. This feature of our products always keeps our customers aware of the latest questioning techniques used for this Salesforce certification exam.
  7. Our Salesforce Advanced Administrator dumps are the perfect option for candidates who are running short of their preparation time and want to study selective questions to hit exam success.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Advanced Administrator Exam

  • What is the best way to pass the Advanced Administrator exam?

    The best way to pass the Advanced Administrator exam is to prepare your exam with some proper preparation material. Don’t waste your time on useless and outdated questions. Use our regularly updated Advanced Administrator exam questions and trust us, you will not be disappointed.

  • Where do I find updated Advanced Administrator exam questions?

    Don't worry, you are at the right place. We have the most updated and accurate Advanced Administrator exam questions, as well as correct solutions that have been reviewed by our certified specialists and professionals.

  • Can I pass my Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam with these Advanced Administrator exam questions only?

    Why not! We are 100% confident in the quality of our Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam questions. After you have prepared your Advanced Administrator exam from other study sources use our Advanced Administrator questions to finalize your preparation. Examskit’s Advanced Administrator exam questions and practice tests help you self-assess your preparation before your final exam.

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    Most people simply conduct a Google search and are presented with a lot of free Salesforce Advanced Administrator files and PDF files of questions with wrong answers plagiarized from outdated exam versions. These Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam questions have been developed by subject-matter professionals, who have been working with IT certifications for years and have close ties with IT certifications vendors. They make sure these premium Advanced Administrator exam questions are always according to the latest official syllabus and no outdated or redundant material is present in it.

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Salesforce Advanced Administrator Questions

Are You Prepared Well Enough? Find Out with Our Salesforce Advanced Administrator Prep Material!

Preparing for the Salesforce Advanced Administrator certification exam is tedious, and time-consuming. You might not know if you are skilled enough to pass the exam.

Evaluate the Salesforce Advanced Administrator exam readiness with our practice test software (Web-Application/Desktop Software), and immediately find out how much more studying you need. Fill those gaps in your preparation with our actual Salesforce Certified Advanced Administrator exam questions available in PDF format and make your preparation perfect!

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