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Python Institute PCPP-32-101 PDF Exam Questions:

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PCPP-32-101 PDF
Python Institute PCPP-32-101 PDF

Prepare Python Institute PCPP-32-101 Exam Within Short Time

Your knowledge and abilities are validated by passing the Python Institute PCPP-32-101 exam. Our PDF questions and answers will help you prepare for the PCPP-32-101 exam in a short time because it includes questions similar to the real Python Institute exam questions. After downloading the PCPP-32-101 Python Institute PDF exam questions, relevant to the actual exam, you can take a print of all questions and prepare them anytime, anywhere.

Realistic Scenario Based Python Institute PCPP-32-101 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified Certified Professional in Python Programming and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real PCPP-32-101 questions. Students can benefit from the PCPP-32-101 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The PCPP-32-101 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based Python Institute PCPP-32-101 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Select the true statement about composition


Analyze the following snippet and select the statement that best describes it.


Answer: D

See the explanation below.

In the given code snippet, an instance ofOwnMathexception is raised with an explicitly specified__cause__attribute that refers to the original exception (ZeroDivisionError). This is an example of explicitly chaining exceptions in Python.


Analyze the following snippet and choose the best statement that describes it.


Answer: C

See the explanation below.

The correct answer isC. Excalibur is the value passed to an instance variable. In the given code snippet,self.nameis an instance variable of theSwordclass. When an instance of theSwordclass is created withvarl = Sword('Excalibur'), the value'Excalibur'is passed as an argument to the__init__method and assigned to thenameinstance variable of thevarlobject.

The code defines a class calledSwordwith an__init__method that takes one parametername. When a new instance of theSwordclass is created withvarl = Sword('Excalibur'), the value of the'Excalibur'string is passed as an argument to the__init__method, and assigned to theself.nameinstance variable of thevarlobject.

Official Python documentation on Classes:https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/classes.html


The following snippet represents one of the OOP pillars Which one is that?


Answer: C

See the explanation below.

The given code snippet demonstrates the concept of encapsulation in object-oriented programming. Encapsulation refers to the practice of keeping the internal state and behavior of an object hidden from the outside world and providing a public interface for interacting with the object. In the given code snippet, the__init__andget_balancemethods provide a public interface for interacting with instances of theBankAccountclass, while the__balanceattribute is kept hidden from the outside world by using a double underscore prefix.


Analyze the following function and choose the statement that best describes it.


Answer: A

See the explanation below.

In the given code snippet, therepeatfunction is a decorator that takes an argumentnum_timesspecifying the number of times the decorated function should be called. Therepeatfunction returns an inner functionwrapper_repeatthat takes a functionfuncas an argument and returns another inner functionwrapperthat callsfuncnum_timestimes.

The provided code snippet represents an example of a decorator that accepts its own arguments. The@decorator_functionsyntax is used to apply thedecorator_functionto thesome_functionfunction. Thedecorator_functiontakes an argumentarg1and defines an inner functionwrapper_functionthat takes the original functionfuncas its argument. Thewrapper_functionthen returns the result of callingfunc, along with thearg1argument passed to thedecorator_function.

Here is an example of how to use this decorator withsome_function:

@decorator_function('argument 1')

def some_function():

return 'Hello world'

Whensome_functionis called, it will first be passed as an argument to thedecorator_function. Thedecorator_functionthen adds the string'argument 1'to the result of callingsome_function()and returns the resulting string. In this case, the final output would be'Hello world argument 1'.

Official Python documentation on Decorators:https://docs.python.org/3/glossary.html#term-decorator

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