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PMI-SP PDF Exam Questions:

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Realistic Scenario Based PMI PMI-SP PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified PMI Scheduling Professional and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real PMI-SP questions. Students can benefit from the PMI-SP exam questions which are available in PDF format. The PMI-SP exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based PMI-SP questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Once the project's WBS has been created what process may happen next?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

The define activities process is the process that may begin once the project's WBS has been completed and approved. It is possible, in some projects, to complete the WBS and the activity list at the same time. Answer option D is incorrect. Sequencing the activities cannot happen until the activity list has been created. Answer option A is incorrect. Estimating activity resources is dependent on the activity list, so this choice is not valid. Answer option C is incorrect. Estimate activity durations are dependent on the activity list, so this choice is not valid.


Which of the following scheduling techniques identifies the successor activities and the predecessor activities to assist the project manager in sequencing the project work?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

The Precedence Diagramming Method uses both predecessors and successors as nodes in the project network diagram. The PDM approach is the most common network diagram approach used. Answer option C is incorrect. Dependency determination identifies the order of the project work. Answer option B is incorrect. The schedule network template is a tool that uses a previous project network diagram as a base for the current project network diagram. Answer option D is incorrect. Activity on the node laces activities on circles within a network diagram. It is an example of the precedence diagramming method.


You are the project manager of the NHGQ project for your company. You must create and distribute performance reports every week to your key project stakeholders. What communication technique do you normally use to distribute reports?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

Performance reports are distributed through the push technique. This means that the project manager distributes the reports regularly through a mechanism, such as email. Answer option C is incorrect. One-to-one technique describes a conversation between two people. Answer option B is incorrect. Many-to-many technique describes a conversation between many people. Answer option D is incorrect. A pull technique describes the recipients of the report 'pulling' the information, such as from a Website.


Your project team is executing the project plan and things are going well. Your team has reached its first milestone and is now in the second phase of the project. The project stakeholders have requested that you find a method to reduce the duration of the project. They will reward you and your project team with a 25 percent bonus of the project costs if you can finish the project thirty days earlier than what was already planned. The stakeholders, however, will not approve any additional labor costs as part of the agreement. Which approach could you use to shorten the duration of the project?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

Fast tracking is a technique for compressing project schedule. In fast tracking, phases are overlapped that would normally be done in

sequence. It is shortening the project schedule without reducing the project scope. It does not add any additional labor but it can introduce project risks. Answer option D is incorrect. Removing things from the project scope can reduce the project duration, but it will not satisfy the requirements the stakeholders have identified. Answer option A is incorrect. Resource leveling can actually increase the project duration. Answer option B is incorrect. Crashing can reduce the project duration but it increases the labor expense, something the stakeholders won't approve.


The Define Activities process is the first process in the project time management knowledge are

a. The Define Activities process creates just three outputs as a result of decomposition, rolling wave planning, templates, and expert judgment. Which one of the following is not an output of the Define Activities process?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

Project document updates are not an output of the Define Activities process. Project document updates are the outputs for estimate activity resources. Project document updates include the following: Activity list Activity attributes Resource calendars Answer option A is incorrect. The activity list is an output of the define activities process. Answer option C is incorrect. The activity attributes is an output of the define activities process. Answer option B is incorrect. The milestone list is an output of the define activities process.

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