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PECB ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor PDF Exam Questions:

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ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor PDF
PECB ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor PDF

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Realistic Scenario Based PECB ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified PECB Auditor Certifications and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor questions. Students can benefit from the ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor exam questions which are available in PDF format. The ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based PECB ISO-9001-Lead-Auditor questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Which two of the following are the key expected results of a quality management system that conforms to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015?

Answer: C, F

See the explanation below.

According to the ISO 9001:2015 document, the key expected results of a quality management system that conforms to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 are:

* the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;

* the enhancement of customer satisfaction.

These results are derived from the quality management principles of customer focus and process approach, which are the basis of the ISO 9000 family of standards1. Customer focus means understanding and meeting customer needs and expectations, as well as exceeding them when possible1. Process approach means managing activities as interrelated processes that function as a coherent system, which leads to consistent and predictable results1.

Therefore, the correct answer is C and F.


Which two of the following aspects of a quality management system must the organisation continually improve?

Answer: C, E

See the explanation below.

According to the ISO 9001:2015 document, the organisation must continually improve the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the quality management system1. However, among the six options given, only effectiveness is directly mentioned as an aspect of the quality management system that must be continually improved. Therefore, C is one of the correct answers.

Efficiency, on the other hand, is not explicitly stated as an aspect of the quality management system that must be continually improved, but it is implied by the quality management principle of improvement, which states that successful organisations have an ongoing focus on improvement2. One of the key benefits of applying this principle is improving operational effectiveness and efficiency2. Therefore, E is another correct answer.

Suitability, adaptability, responsiveness, and applicability are not aspects of the quality management system that must be continually improved, according to the ISO 9001:2015 document. They may be related to the quality management system, but they are not the focus of continual improvement.

Therefore, the correct answer is C and E.


According to ISO 19011, what two activities take place during the conduct of a audit follow-up?

Answer: A, B

See the explanation below.

According to ISO 19011:2018, clause 6.7, the audit follow-up is the process of verifying the completion and effectiveness of corrective actions taken by the auditee as a result of an audit. The audit follow-up can include two main activities:

Verifying the effectiveness of the implemented corrective actions: this means checking whether the actions taken by the auditee have addressed the root causes of the nonconformities and prevented their recurrence or occurrence in other areas. The verification can be done by reviewing documents, records, data, or other evidence provided by the auditee, or by conducting a follow-up audit on site or remotely.

Verifying corrections taken to fix the reported non-conformities: this means checking whether the auditee has corrected the nonconformities identified during the audit and eliminated their immediate effects. The verification can be done by reviewing documents, records, data, or other evidence provided by the auditee, or by conducting a follow-up audit on site or remotely.

The audit follow-up can be conducted as a separate audit or as part of a subsequent audit, depending on the audit programme, the audit objectives, the audit criteria, the audit scope, the audit risks, and the audit findings. The audit follow-up should be planned and conducted in accordance with the same principles and processes as the initial audit, and the results should be documented and reported accordingly.Reference:

ISO 19011:2018(en), Guidelines for auditing management systems, clause 6.7

ISO 19011 Management Systems Audit Checklist | Process Street, task 6.7.1 and 6.7.2

Conducting the Audit Follow-Up: When to Verify - The Auditor, section ''Conducting the audit follow-up''


Which two of the following statements related to Stage 1 of an initial certification audit against ISO 9001:2015 are true?

Answer: D, G

See the explanation below.


Reviews the client's management system documented information: This activity involves checking the documentation of the quality management system, such as the quality policy, the quality objectives, the scope, the processes, and the procedures, to ensure that they meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015123. The audit team also evaluates the client's understanding and implementation of the standard, and identifies any gaps or nonconformities that need to be addressed before the Stage 2 audit123.

* Reviews the processes with high level of risk: This activity involves assessing the processes that have a significant impact on the quality of the products or services, or that pose a high risk of nonconformity or customer dissatisfaction123. The audit team also verifies the client's risk management approach, and evaluates the effectiveness of the controls and actions taken to mitigate the risks123.

The other options are not statements that are true for the Stage 1 audit, according to the web search results from my internal tool. They may be related to other stages or types of audits, but they are not the focus of the Stage 1 audit.

Therefore, the correct answer is D and G.

Reliable Source Of Preparation For QMS ISO 9001:2015 Lead Auditor Exam.

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