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Oracle 1Z0-1114-23 PDF

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Realistic Scenario Based Oracle 1Z0-1114-23 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified Oracle Cloud and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real 1Z0-1114-23 questions. Students can benefit from the 1Z0-1114-23 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The 1Z0-1114-23 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based Oracle 1Z0-1114-23 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


What does a build pipeline in Visual Builder Studio do?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

A build pipeline in Visual Builder Studio can deploy an AppUI extension to multiple FA instances by using the Deploy to FA Instance step. This step allows you to specify the target FA instance, the extension type, and the extension name. You can also use the Deploy to VB Instance step to deploy an AppUI extension to a stand-alone VB instance. Therefore, option D is the correct answer. Reference: [Deploying AppUI Extensions], [Deploying Extensions to Fusion Applications]


Which three categories of developers use Visual Builder Studio as a developmental tool? (Choose three.)

Answer: A, B, D

See the explanation below.

Visual Builder Studio is a developmental tool that can be used by three categories of developers:

Developers creating stand-alone Visual Builder Apps: These developers can use Visual Builder Studio to create web and mobile apps that use Visual Builder's low-code development environment and access various backend services.

Developers extending Oracle Cloud Apps: These developers can use Visual Builder Studio to create AppUI extensions that enhance the user interface of Oracle Cloud Apps, such as adding new pages, components, or actions.

Fusion Cloud Apps developers: These developers can use Visual Builder Studio to create custom business objects and REST services that extend the functionality of Fusion Cloud Apps, such as adding new fields, validations, or triggers. Therefore, options A, B, and D are the correct answers. Reference: [Visual Builder Studio Overview], [Extending Oracle Cloud Applications with Visual Builder]


You are planning to use the Dashboard Landing Page template for Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and a dashboard grid with information visualizations that highlight and explain business performance.

Which is a required property of oj-sp-dashboard-landing-page?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

The Dashboard Landing Page template is a predefined layout that consists of a header with a title and subtitle, a primary action button, an in-flow back button, and a dashboard grid with information visualizations. The title property is required for this template, as it provides a descriptive name for the dashboard. The subtitle property is optional, as it provides additional information or context for the dashboard. The primary action property is also optional, as it defines an action that can be performed on the dashboard, such as creating a new item or filtering the data. The in-flow back property is only applicable when the dashboard is part of a flow or a drill-down navigation, as it allows the user to go back to the previous page. Therefore, option A is the correct answer. Reference: [Dashboard Landing Page Template], [oj-sp-dashboard-landing-page]


Dave deployed an AppUI extension to an instance by mistake.

How can he fix this?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

If Dave deployed an AppUI extension to an instance by mistake, he can fix this by undeploying the extension in the Visual Builder Studio's Environment tab. The Environment tab shows all the FA instances that are connected to Visual Builder Studio and allows you to deploy or undeploy extensions to them. To undeploy an extension, Dave can select the instance and click on the Undeploy button next to the extension name. This will remove the extension from the instance and restore the original UI of Fusion Cloud Apps. Therefore, option B is the correct answer. Reference: [Undeploying Extensions from Fusion Applications], [Managing Environments]


You are designing the UI to display information about a product and are asked to use the card layout, such that:

* The card layout summarizes the available information about a product in a visually compact manner.

* The card layout is used as an entry point from where users can access additional details.

Which card layout is suitable for the above requirements?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

The Object Card layout is suitable for displaying information about a product and using it as an entry point from where users can access additional details. The Object Card layout consists of a header with an icon and a title, a body with one or more fields or actions, and a footer with optional actions or indicators. The Object Card layout summarizes the available information about a product in a visually compact manner and allows users to perform actions on it or navigate to more details. Therefore, option A is the correct answer. Reference: [Object Card Layout], [oj-sp-object-card]

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