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Realistic Scenario Based OMG OMG-OCUP2-ADV300 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified OMG Certified UML Professional and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real OMG-OCUP2-ADV300 questions. Students can benefit from the OMG-OCUP2-ADV300 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The OMG-OCUP2-ADV300 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based OMG-OCUP2-ADV300 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Choose the correct answer:

Which feature of a UML model element could NOT be adapted by a Stereotype?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

A stereotype in UML is a powerful extension mechanism that allows developers to tailor UML models for particular domains or platforms. Stereotypes can adapt UML model elements by adding constraints, changing notation, and adding attributes and operations.However, they cannot remove existing constraints from a model element12.

Notation Change (A):Stereotypes can indeed change the notation of a model element to make it more expressive or domain-specific.For example, a stereotype could be used to visually distinguish between different kinds of classes in a class diagram1.

Adding Constraints (B):Stereotypes can add new constraints to a model element to specify additional rules or requirements that are not defined by the standard UML1.

Removing Constraints :This is not a capability of stereotypes. Constraints define rules that must be followed, and once they are part of a model element, they cannot be removed by a stereotype.Instead, they are an intrinsic part of the model's definition1.

Adding Attributes and Operations (D):Stereotypes can be used to add attributes and operations to a model element, which allows for the specification of additional properties or behaviors that are not part of the standard UML metamodel1.

In summary, while stereotypes are versatile and can extend the capabilities of UML model elements in various ways, they do not have the ability to remove constraints that are already applied to those elements.This is because constraints are considered fundamental rules that govern the integrity of the model, and removing them would potentially violate the model's correctness or completeness1.


Choose the correct answer:

A framework developer has been given a requirement to create an extensible utility for solution developers to use to create collections. The framework developer has submitted the following diagram fragment for review:


Which review comment is valid and applicable?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

In UML, the bind relationship is used to specify that a class is a template instantiation of a template class, where actual parameters are bound to the formal parameters of the template class1. However, in the case of the relationship between a concrete class likeVectorand an abstract class likeAbstractList, the correct relationship should be Generalization, not bind.

Generalization is a taxonomic relationship between a more general classifier and a more specific classifier.Each instance of the specific classifier is also an instance of the general classifier1. Thus,Vectorbeing a concrete implementation ofAbstractList, should inherit fromAbstractList, which is correctly represented by a Generalization relationship in UML.

The other options can be evaluated as follows:

Option A:The upper limit for the size ofPhontyQueueis a design decision that should be based on the requirements and use cases of the application. It is not inherently incorrect in UML to have a specific upper limit.

Option C:The Generalization relationship is correctly used betweenPriorityQueueandAbstractQueueas it represents inheritance in UML.

Option D:While it is true that template parameters are typically defined at the top of the hierarchy, the statement is too absolute. In UML, template parameters can be added to specialized classes, but it depends on the specific design and requirements. Therefore, without additional context, this statement cannot be deemed universally valid.

In conclusion, the most applicable and valid review comment is option B, which correctly identifies the misuse of the bind relationship in the context of the class diagram provided.


Choose the correct answer:

Which statement should be taken into consideration when extending a UML metaclass with a stereotype?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

When extending a UML metaclass with a stereotype, it is critical to ensure that the metaclass and the stereotype are semantically related. This is because a stereotype is a way to extend the UML metamodel to create new kinds of model elements that can include additional semantics and constraints, but still adhere to the base behavior defined by the metaclass. The stereotype should be a meaningful specialization of the metaclass and not contradict its fundamental semantics. By keeping them semantically related, there is less need for additional constraints on the metamodel, and the resulting profile is more intuitive for users. This is consistent with the principles described in the UML 2 Specification, particularly in the sections on profiles and stereotypes.


Choose the correct answer:

An organization has determined that they want to add the capability to create and add requirement elements to their UML models. They also want to create a unique relationship for tracing requirements to other model elements.

What is the appropriate approach to do this?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

UML allows the introduction of new concepts that are not part of the standard UML metamodel by creating a profile. To add capabilities for modeling requirements and tracing relationships in UML, a profile can be created where a Class is stereotyped to represent a requirement, and a Dependency is stereotyped to represent the trace relationship. This approach is both practical and conforms to the UML standard's mechanisms for extending the language. It is a common practice to create such profiles for requirements engineering within the UML framework. This conforms to the UML 2 Superstructure Specification, which provides guidelines on creating and applying profiles and stereotypes.


Choose the correct answer:

Where does UML explicitly intend String Expression elements to be used?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

In UML, ValueSpecifications are used to specify the value of an element. The UML 2 Specification does not define a metaclass named StringExpression. Instead, it provides a metaclass named OpaqueExpression, which can be used when an expression is written in a language that is not directly interpretable by the model. Since there is no metaclass called StringExpression in the UML 2 Specification, there is no explicitly intended use for it within the UML metamodel. The absence of this metaclass suggests that any use of a concept called 'StringExpression' would not conform to standard UML 2 practices and would likely be part of an extension or profile, not the core UML metamodel.

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