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MCPA-Level-1 PDF
MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1 PDF

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Realistic Scenario Based MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified MuleSoft Certified Architect and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real MCPA-Level-1 questions. Students can benefit from the MCPA-Level-1 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The MCPA-Level-1 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


What API policy would LEAST likely be applied to a Process API?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

Correct Answer: JSON threat protection


Fact: Technically, there are no restrictions on what policy can be applied in what layer. Any policy can be applied on any layer API. However, context should also be considered properly before blindly applying the policies on APIs.

That is why, this question asked for a policy that would LEAST likely be applied to a Process API.

From the given options:

>> All policies except 'JSON threat protection' can be applied without hesitation to the APIs in Process tier.

>> JSON threat protection policy ideally fits for experience APIs to prevent suspicious JSON payload coming from external API clients. This covers more of a security aspect by trying to avoid possibly malicious and harmful JSON payloads from external clients calling experience APIs.

As external API clients are NEVER allowed to call Process APIs directly and also these kind of malicious and harmful JSON payloads are always stopped at experience API layer only using this policy, it is LEAST LIKELY that this same policy is again applied on Process Layer API.


What is a key performance indicator (KPI) that measures the success of a typical C4E that is immediately apparent in responses from the Anypoint Platform APIs?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

Correct Answer: The number of API specifications in RAML or OAS format published to Anypoint Exchange


>> The success of C4E always depends on their contribution to the number of reusable assets that they have helped to build and publish to Anypoint Exchange.

>> It is NOT due to any factors w.r.t # of outages, Manual vs CI/CD deployments or Publicly accessible HTTP endpoints

>> Anypoint Platform APIs helps us to quickly run and get the number of published RAML/OAS assets to Anypoint Exchange. This clearly depicts how successful a C4E team is based on number of returned assets in the response.


An organization is implementing a Quote of the Day API that caches today's quote.

What scenario can use the GoudHub Object Store via the Object Store connector to persist the cache's state?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

Correct Answer: When there is one CloudHub deployment of the API implementation to three CloudHub workers that must share the cache state.


Key details in the scenario:

>> Use the CloudHub Object Store via the Object Store connector

Considering above details:

>> CloudHub Object Stores have one-to-one relationship with CloudHub Mule Applications.

>> We CANNOT use an application's CloudHub Object Store to be shared among multiple Mule applications running in different Regions or Business Groups or Customer-hosted Mule Runtimes by using Object Store connector.

>> If it is really necessary and very badly needed, then Anypoint Platform supports a way by allowing access to CloudHub Object Store of another application using Object Store REST API. But NOT using Object Store connector.

So, the only scenario where we can use the CloudHub Object Store via the Object Store connector to persist the cache's state is when there is one CloudHub deployment of the API implementation to multiple CloudHub workers that must share the cache state.


What condition requires using a CloudHub Dedicated Load Balancer?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

Correct Answer: When server-side load-balanced TLS mutual authentication is required between API implementations and API clients


Fact/ Memory Tip: Although there are many benefits of CloudHub Dedicated Load balancer, TWO important things that should come to ones mind for considering it are:

>> Having URL endpoints with Custom DNS names on CloudHub deployed apps

>> Configuring custom certificates for both HTTPS and Two-way (Mutual) authentication.

Coming to the options provided for this

>> We

CANNOT use DLB to perform cross-region load balancing between separate deployments of the same Mule application.

>> We can have mapping rules to have more than one DLB URL pointing to same Mule app. But vicevera (More than one Mule app having same DLB URL) is NOT POSSIBLE

>> It is true that DLB helps to setup custom DNS names for Cloudhub deployed Mule apps but NOT true for apps deployed to Customer-hosted Mule Runtimes.

>> It is true to that we can load balance API invocations across multiple CloudHub workers using DLB but it is NOT A MUST. We can achieve the same (load balancing) using SLB (Shared Load Balancer) too. We DO NOT necessarily require DLB for achieve it.

So the only right option that fits the scenario and requires us to use DLB is when TLS mutual authentication is required between API implementations and API clients.


What do the API invocation metrics provided by Anypoint Platform provide?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

Correct Answer: Data on past API invocations to help identify anomalies and usage patterns across various APIs


API Invocation metrics provided by Anypoint Platform:

>> Does NOT provide any Return Of Investment (ROI) related information. So the option suggesting it is OUT.

>> Does NOT provide any information w.r.t how APIs are reused, whether there is effective usage of APIs or not etc...

>> Does NOT prodive any prediction information as such to help us proactively identify any future policy violations.

So, the kind of data/information we can get from such metrics is on past API invocations to help identify anomalies and usage patterns across various APIs.

Reliable Source Of Preparation For MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect - Level 1 Exam.

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