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MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance PDF Exam Questions:

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MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance PDF
MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance PDF

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Your knowledge and abilities are validated by passing the MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance exam. Our PDF questions and answers will help you prepare for the MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance exam in a short time because it includes questions similar to the real MuleSoft exam questions. After downloading the MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance MuleSoft PDF exam questions, relevant to the actual exam, you can take a print of all questions and prepare them anytime, anywhere.

Realistic Scenario Based MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified MuleSoft Certified Architect and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance questions. Students can benefit from the MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance exam questions which are available in PDF format. The MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Refer to the exhibit.


what is true when using customer-hosted Mule runtimes with the MuleSoft-hosted Anypoint Platform control plane (hybrid deployment)?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

Correct Answer:API implementations can run successfully in customer-hosted Mule


>>We CANNOT use Shared Load balancer to load balance APIs on customer hosted runtimes

>>For Hybrid deployment models, the on-premises are first connected to Runtime Manager usingRuntime Manager agent.So, the connection is initiated first from On-premises to Runtime Manager. Then all control can be done from Runtime Manager.

>>Anypoint Runtime Manager CANNOT ensure automatic HA. Clusters/Server Groups etc should be configured before hand.

Only TRUE statement in the given choices is, API implementations can run successfully in customer-hosted Mule runtimes, even when they are unable to communicate with the control plane. There are several references below to justify this statement.








A System API is designed to retrieve data from a backend system that has scalability challenges. What API policy can best safeguard the backend system?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

Correct Answer: SLA-based rate limiting


>> Client Id enforement policy is a 'Compliance' related NFR and does not help in maintaining the 'Quality of Service (QoS)'. It CANNOT and NOT meant for protecting the backend systems from scalability challenges.

>> IP Whitelisting and OAuth 2.0 token enforcement are 'Security' related NFRs and again does not help in maintaining the 'Quality of Service (QoS)'. They CANNOT and are NOT meant for protecting the backend systems from scalability challenges.

Rate Limiting, Rate Limiting-SLA, Throttling, Spike Control are the policies that are 'Quality of Service (QOS)' related NFRs and are meant to help in protecting the backend systems from getting overloaded.



Refer to the exhibit.


What is a valid API in the sense of API-led connectivity and application networks?

A) Java RMI over TCP


B) Java RMI over TCP




D) XML over UDP


Answer: D

See the explanation below.

Correct Answer:XML over HTTP


>>API-led connectivity and Application Networks urge to have the APIs on HTTP based protocols for building most effective APIs and networks on top of them.

>>The HTTP based APIs allow the platform to apply various varities of policies to address many NFRs

>>The HTTP based APIs also allow to implement many standard and effective implementation patterns that adhere to HTTP based w3c rules.

Bottom of Form

Top of Form


Refer to the exhibit.


Three business processes need to be implemented, and the implementations need to communicate with several different SaaS applications.

These processes are owned by separate (siloed) LOBs and are mainly independent of each other, but do share a few business entities. Each LOB has one development team and their own budget

In this organizational context, what is the most effective approach to choose the API data models for the APIs that will implement these business processes with minimal redundancy of the data models?

A) Build several Bounded Context Data Models that align with coherent parts of the business processes and the definitions of associated business entities


B) Build distinct data models for each API to follow established micro-services and Agile API-centric practices


C) Build all API data models using XML schema to drive consistency and reuse across the organization


D) Build one centralized Canonical Data Model (Enterprise Data Model) that unifies all the data types from all three business processes, ensuring the data model is consistent and non-redundant


Answer: A

See the explanation below.

Correct Answer:Build several Bounded Context Data Models that align with coherent parts


>>The options w.r.t building API data models using XML schema/ Agile API-centric practices are irrelevant to the scenario given in the question. So these two are INVALID.

>>Building EDM (Enterprise Data Model) is not feasible or right fit for this scenario as the teams and LOBs work in silo and they all have different initiatives, budget etc.. Building EDM needs intensive coordination among all the team which evidently seems not possible in this scenario.

So, the right fit for this scenario is to build several Bounded Context Data Models that align with coherent parts of the business processes and the definitions of associated business entities.


What best describes the Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs), also known as DNS entries, created when a Mule application is deployed to the CloudHub Shared Worker Cloud?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

Correct Answer: The FQDNs are determined by the application name chosen,


>> When deploying applications to Shared Worker Cloud, the FQDN are always determined by application name chosen.

>> It does NOT matter what region the app is being deployed to.

>> Although it is fact and true that the generated FQDN will have the region included in it (Ex: exp-salesorder-api.au-s1.cloudhub.io), it does NOT mean that the same name can be used when deploying to another CloudHub region.

>> Application name should be universally unique irrespective of Region and Organization and solely determines the FQDN for Shared Load Balancers.

Reliable Source Of Preparation For MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect - Level 1 MAINTENANCE Exam.

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