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The best way to pass the AZ-305 exam is to prepare your exam with some proper preparation material. Don’t waste your time on useless and outdated questions. Use our regularly updated AZ-305 exam questions and trust us, you will not be disappointed.
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Microsoft AZ-305 Exam Questions

Microsoft AZ-305 - Azure Solutions Architect Expert

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AZ-305 Questions

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Reading Time: 7 mins | Publish Date: 25-10-2021 | Update Date: 02-02-2025

Short Details About Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam:

The Microsoft AZ-305 Certification is designated for Microsoft exam candidates who are determined to obtain subject matter expertise in deploying, administering, and monitoring the Azure Environment. A Certified appointed Microsoft Azure Administrator has skills in maintaining the performance of virtual networks, administering storage, identity, security, computing, and process of governance.

Azure administrators provide services in implementing the cloud infrastructure of the concerned organization by working in collaboration with a dedicated team. They also have strong coordination with some other roles in Azure Networking, Security, App Development, Database, and DevOps Solutions.

What Should A Candidate Know Before Taking Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam?

Please keep in mind that in order to take this exam, you must have Microsoft Certified Azure Administrator Associate (AZ-104) certification.

Candidates for this certification find their preparation easy if they have familiarity with the basic operating systems, networking sources and concepts, the working of servers, and the importance of virtualization. Candidates for the AZ-305 Certification Exam should also have prior experience in using some professional tools like Azure Resource Manager templates (ARM templates), Azure CLI, PowerShell, Azure portal, and Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), etc.

Topics With Details Included in Microsoft AZ-305 Exam Syllabus:

Based on the most recent update from Microsoft Learning, this exam assesses your ability to complete the technical topics listed below.

1. Design identity, governance, and monitoring solutions (25-30%)

Create a logging and monitoring solution

  • create a log routing system
  • suggest an adequate logging level
  • seek a solution, provide monitoring tools

Create solutions for authentication and authorization

  • advocate a role-based access control system for securing resources
  • suggest a solution for identification management
  • provide a method for securing identities

Create a system of government

  • advocate a hierarchical and organized framework for Azure resources
  • suggest a compliance enforcement and auditing solution

Create identities and permissions for applications.

  • offer ways for allowing Azure resources to be accessed by applications
  • recommend a password and secret storage solution that is secure
  • suggest a method for connecting applications with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
  • offer a solution for user consent in applications

2. Design data storage solutions (25-30%)

Develop a relational data storage solution.

  • Sizing of database service tiers is recommended.
  • suggest a database scalability solution
  • suggest an encryption solution for data at rest, data in transit, and data in use

Integrate data design

  • suggest a data integration solution
  • recommend a data analysis solution

Make a recommendation for a data storage solution

  • suggest a method for storing relational data.
  • suggest a method for storing semi-structured data.
  • suggest a method for storing non-relational data.

Create a non-relational data storage system

  • propose data storage access control solutions
  • provide a data storage system that strikes a compromise between features, performance, and cost
  • Create a data solution that is both secure and long-lasting.

3. Design Business Continuity Solutions (10-15%)

Create a backup and disaster recovery plan

  • Recommend a recovery solution that meets recovery objectives (Recovery Time Objective [RTO], Recovery Level Objective [RLO], and Recovery Point Objective [RPO]) for Azure, hybrid, and on-premises workloads.
  • Become familiar with container recovery options
  • recommend a compute backup and recovery solution
  • recommend a database backup and recovery solution
  • recommend an unstructured data backup and recovery solution

High-availability design

  • Identify the Azure resource availability requirements.
  • Recommend a high-availability computing solution and a high-availability non-relational data storage solution
  • Recommend a high-availability relational data storage solution

4. Design Infrastructure Solutions (25-30%)

Create a computing solution

  • recommend a virtual machine-based compute solution based on workload needs
  • recommend an adequately sized compute solution
  • advocate a compute solution based on containers
  • advocate a computing solution based on serverless computing

Create an application architecture and suggest a caching solution for it

  • Recommend a communications architecture, an event-driven architecture, and an automated application deployment solution for your apps
  • Recommend a solution for application configuration management.
  • Recommend an API integration solution

Migrating designs

  • assess and interpret on-premises servers, data, and applications for migration offer a solution for migrating apps and virtual machines using the Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure recommend a solution for migrating applications and virtual machines
  • Recommend a database migration solution.
  • Identify a method for moving unstructured data.

Create network-related solutions

  • based on workload needs, offer a network architecture solution
  • Recommend a connectivity solution that connects Azure resources to the internet and Azure resources to on-premises networks.
  • recommend a solution to improve network security recommend a load balancing and routing solution boost network speed for apps

How To Get Your Seat Reserved in Microsoft AZ-305 Exam?

In order to reserve your seat for the AZ-305 exam, you must follow the steps outlined below:

  • Register for your exam on the Microsoft portal.
  • When you're finished with your studying, click the "schedule exam" option to schedule your exam.
  • On the next page, fill in all of your information.
  • On the Pearson VUE, Microsoft's exam partner page, you can choose the exam delivery option.
  • Once the payment of your exam fee has been confirmed, your registration will be complete.

Responsibilities Concerned With Microsoft AZ-305 Certified Professional:

The Azure Solution Architects are experts in building cloud and hybrid solutions for Microsoft Azure, including computing, network, storage, monitoring, and security.

An Azure Solution Architect's responsibilities include providing advice to stakeholders and turning business requirements into safe, scalable, and dependable cloud solutions. Azure Solution Architects collaborate with Azure Developers, Azure Administrators, and other roles involved in the deployment of Azure solutions.

The Azure Solutions Architects should have experience and knowledge of IT operations, such as networking, virtualization, identity, security, business continuity, disaster recovery, data platforms, and governance–this role should manage how decisions made in each area affect the overall solution. This position often requires knowledge of Azure management, Azure development, and DevOps methods.

Advantages For A Microsoft AZ-305 Certified Professional:

All Microsoft Azure professionals are required to pass the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. They can use it to verify their understanding of the Azure platform's deployment and design. Benefits of taking the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam after preparing with the help of the AZ-305 exam questions and answers provided below:

  • You will have the opportunity to demonstrate your familiarity with the Azure platform by passing the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. Professionals who want to demonstrate their proficiency with the Azure platform are strongly advised to take the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam.
  • The test is a Microsoft one. This indicates that it was created by Microsoft specialists and will aid in your understanding of the newest capabilities and recommended procedures for using the Azure platform. One of the key components of the Azure platform is authentication and permission.
  • After passing the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam, you can work as an IT professional, consultant, or architect for Microsoft Azure. The Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam is necessary to fulfill and balance the workload with the company.
  • You'll be able to profit greatly from it. After passing the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam, you can make a nice living. Computing is aided by computing solutions. It ties computing resources and a storage service together.
  • You can find employment in a variety of sectors, including banking, government, healthcare, insurance, media, retail, and education. You must pass the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam in order to provide consumers with a secure and dependable service.
  • The most trustworthy exam for experts in Microsoft Azure is the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam. This indicates that it will aid in your employment using Microsoft Azure cloud. The main difficulty is securing the Azure cloud with Microsoft Azure.
  • After completing the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam, you can also obtain numerous credentials. Application, Backup, real-world premises network, security, etc. solution For IT workers to land a job, these certification examinations are necessary.

Best Candidates for Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam:

For IT professionals who are actively working on the Azure platform, Microsoft has created the AZ-305 exam. System administrators, network administrators, developers, architects, and consultants are just a few examples of these experts. Additionally, they might be employed as system integrators, project managers, solution architects, or enterprise architects.

Everyone interested in obtaining this Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions Certification should use the AZ-305 exam dumps. This test can be used to validate the technical proficiency of the customer care staff. Professionals in network architecture can also take this exam. Applications for businesses that rely on messaging can utilize this exam to gauge their technical proficiency.

Microsoft AZ-305 Exam Preparation Requirements:

The 6-module Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert self-study course, which provides you with the fundamental knowledge to pass that test, is an easy way to get ready for that exam. However, make sure you practice each step on your own. If you would rather take an online course or watch related videos, you can quickly sign up for any online Microsoft Certified: Azure Solutions Architect Expert course.

You'll discover as you prepare for this exam that it covers a wide range of subjects that will require a lot of time to learn. To pass this exam, you will need to have good knowledge and practical abilities in the disciplines mentioned above. You must be fully prepared for such a test as a trainer or consultant in order to comprehend and address every requirement of a student or client by gathering the relevant information and going deeper.

Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam Effective Study Suggestions:

We are going to provide you with an important list of tasks following which you will be able to make an optimal plan for your AZ-305 exam preparation:

  • First of all, you should approach the latest AZ-305 Certification exam syllabus along with all the topics included in it.
  • After getting the syllabus for AZ-305 Certification review all the topics to enhance your interest in your studies
  • Search for the latest and relevant AZ-305 exam questions so that you may not waste your precious time on outdated material.
  • After getting enough study material try to save this material in such a way that you can retrieve it when needed during your preparation.
  • Your success in the AZ-305 exam does not depend on the quantity of material you arranged for your preparation. It depends upon your more and more practice of AZ-305 exam questions.
  • The relevant study coupled with the practice of AZ-305 exam questions will assess your preparation and will help you in gaining confidence in your studies.

ExamsKit Instantly Available Questions - An Ultimate Source of Success in Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam:

You might be interested if you are guided about an exciting way of preparing for the Microsoft AZ-305 Certification Exam through which you will enjoy your preparation rather than suffering from fear of failure. We are going to make you familiar with our amazing Examskit’s products and services after which you will start feeling that passing the AZ-305 Certification Exam on your first attempt is very easy for you.

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Frequently Asked Questions about AZ-305 Exam

  • What is the best way to pass the AZ-305 exam?

    The best way to pass the AZ-305 exam is to prepare your exam with some proper preparation material. Don’t waste your time on useless and outdated questions. Use our regularly updated AZ-305 exam questions and trust us, you will not be disappointed.

  • Where do I find updated AZ-305 exam questions?

    Don't worry, you are at the right place. We have the most updated and accurate AZ-305 exam questions, as well as correct solutions that have been reviewed by our certified specialists and professionals.

  • Can I pass my Microsoft AZ-305 exam with these AZ-305 exam questions only?

    Why not! We are 100% confident in the quality of our Microsoft AZ-305 exam questions. After you have prepared your AZ-305 exam from other study sources use our AZ-305 questions to finalize your preparation. Examskit’s AZ-305 exam questions and practice tests help you self-assess your preparation before your final exam.

  • How are these premium Microsoft AZ-305 exam questions different from free questions?

    Most people simply conduct a Google search and are presented with a lot of free Microsoft AZ-305 files and PDF files of questions with wrong answers plagiarized from outdated exam versions. These Microsoft AZ-305 exam questions have been developed by subject-matter professionals, who have been working with IT certifications for years and have close ties with IT certifications vendors. They make sure these premium AZ-305 exam questions are always according to the latest official syllabus and no outdated or redundant material is present in it.

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Microsoft AZ-305 Questions

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