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LSAC LSAT PDF Exam Questions:

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Your knowledge and abilities are validated by passing the LSAC LSAT exam. Our PDF questions and answers will help you prepare for the LSAT exam in a short time because it includes questions similar to the real LSAC exam questions. After downloading the LSAT LSAC PDF exam questions, relevant to the actual exam, you can take a print of all questions and prepare them anytime, anywhere.

Realistic Scenario Based LSAC LSAT PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified Law School Admission Test and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real LSAT questions. Students can benefit from the LSAT exam questions which are available in PDF format. The LSAT exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based LSAC LSAT questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


When the goalie has been chosen, the Smalltown Bluebirds hockey team has a startinglineup that is selected from two groups:

First Group: John, Dexter, Bart, Erwin

Second Group: Leanne, Roger, George, Marlene, PatriciaWhen deciding on the players in the lineup, the coach considers the followingrequirements:

Two players are always chosen from the first group, while three are chosen from thesecond group.George will only start if Bart also starts. Dexter and Bart will not start together.

If George starts, Marlene won't start.

The 4 fastest players are: John, Bart, George and Patricia

3 of the 4 fastest players will always be chosen.

If George is in the starting lineup, who must also start?

Answer: D

When the goalie has been chosen, the Smalltown Bluebirds hockey team has a startinglineup that is selected from two groups:

First Group: John, Dexter, Bart, Erwin

Second Group: Leanne, Roger, George, Marlene, Patricia

When deciding on the players in the lineup, the coach considers the followingrequirements:

Two players are always chosen from the first group, while three are chosen from thesecond group.

George will only start if Bart also starts. Dexter and Bart will not start together.

If George starts, Marlene won't start.

The 4 fastest players are: John, Bart, George and Patricia

3 of the 4 fastest players will always be chosen.

Which of the following pairs cannot start together?

Answer: A

When the goalie has been chosen, the Smalltown Bluebirds hockey team has a startinglineup that is selected from two groups:

First Group: John, Dexter, Bart, Erwin

Second Group: Leanne, Roger, George, Marlene, Patricia

When deciding on the players in the lineup, the coach considers the followingrequirements:

Two players are always chosen from the first group, while three are chosen from thesecond group.

George will only start if Bart also starts. Dexter and Bart will not start together.

If George starts, Marlene won't start.

The 4 fastest players are: John, Bart, George and Patricia

3 of the 4 fastest players will always be chosen.

If Marlene is on the starting lineup, which of the following players will be the first groupplayers who will also be starting?

Answer: C

When the goalie has been chosen, the Smalltown Bluebirds hockey team has a startinglineup that is selected from two groups:

First Group: John, Dexter, Bart, Erwin

Second Group: Leanne, Roger, George, Marlene, Patricia

When deciding on the players in the lineup, the coach considers the followingrequirements:

Two players are always chosen from the first group, while three are chosen from thesecond group.

George will only start if Bart also starts. Dexter and Bart will not start together.

If George starts, Marlene won't start.

The 4 fastest players are: John, Bart, George and Patricia

3 of the 4 fastest players will always be chosen.

Of the following hockey players, who must start?

Answer: E

On the popular children's television show, there are four little animals that make up the

''Creature Buddies'' are digitally animate. Since that means that they can't make a livestage performance, while the Creature Buddies are on tour, each is represented by apuppet that is operated by a chief and an assistant puppeteer.

The Creature Buddies are a: Dragon, Gorilla, Kangaroo, and Tiger.

The Creature's Names are: Audrey, Hamish, Melville, Rex

The Chief Puppeteers are: Ben, Jill, Paul and Sue

The Assistant Puppeteers are: Dave, Gale, Pam and Tom

Melville isn't the puppet who is operated by Sue and her assistant Pam.

Hamish's chief puppeteer (who is not Jill) is assisted by Tom.

Ben is in charge of the dragon, but Jill doesn't have anything to do with the kangaroo.

Dave is the assistant puppeteer for the tiger.

Rex, whose chief is Paul, isn't the gorilla (who's name is not Melville).

What is the name of the Dragon?

Answer: B

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We provide Law School Admission Test certification questions along with answers to assist students in passing the LSAC Exam. You can enhance your LSAC LSAT preparation with the help of an online practice engine. Try out our LSAC LSAT questions because 98% of Examskit users passed the final LSAT exam in one go.