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ISTQB-Agile-Public PDF

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Realistic Scenario Based ISTQB ISTQB-Agile-Public PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified ISTQB Agile Certification and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real ISTQB-Agile-Public questions. Students can benefit from the ISTQB-Agile-Public exam questions which are available in PDF format. The ISTQB-Agile-Public exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based ISTQB-Agile-Public questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Which of the following describes the main purpose of a task management tool in agile projects?


Answer: C

See the explanation below.

In agile projects, task management tools play a crucial role in facilitating project management and team collaboration. Specifically, option C accurately describes the primary function of a task management tool in agile contexts. These tools are designed to manage and track various elements of agile projects, including user stories, tests, tasks, and more, thereby enabling teams to maintain visibility and control over the project's progress.

Agile methodologies prioritize adaptability, customer collaboration, and the delivery of value through iterative development cycles. Task management tools support these principles by providing a platform for organizing work, prioritizing tasks, and ensuring that all team members are aligned on the project's objectives and progress. This alignment is essential for maintaining the agility and responsiveness characteristic of agile projects.

For example, the Scrum framework, a popular agile methodology, involves creating a product backlog that contains all the user stories and tasks needed for the project. The task management tool would be used to track these items through various stages of development, from the backlog to in-progress, testing, and completion. This tracking ensures that the team can adapt to changes, manage workloads effectively, and deliver increments of value to the customer consistently.

In summary, option C is the verified answer as it encapsulates the essential purpose of a task management tool in agile projects, which is to manage and track user stories, tests, and other tasks, thereby supporting the agile principles of adaptability, customer collaboration, and iterative delivery of value.


You are developing the code that controls an industrial Espresso machine which will be operated by waiting staff in restaurants.

The machine is rather complicated and has lots of switches and buttons, so in the next iteration instructions will be provided to the operator on a small LCD screen.

A User Story for the Operator-Instructions module is as follows:

"As an operator of the Espresso machine, I would like to know how to steam milk, so I can add steamed milk to the coffee."

The following is a list of risks identified for this story, with assigned probability and impact.

Which of these is most correct in the context of the given User Story?


Answer: B

See the explanation below.

In the context of the provided User Story for the Operator-Instructions module of an industrial Espresso machine, option B is the most pertinent risk. This option states, 'The instructions may be incorrect or appear in the wrong order. Probability: Low. Impact: High.' This risk directly affects the core functionality described in the User Story, which is to provide operators with accurate instructions for steaming milk.

Agile methodologies emphasize the importance of delivering value to the customer through functional and usable increments of the product. Incorrect or improperly ordered instructions would directly undermine the usability of the Espresso machine for its intended operators, potentially leading to operational errors, customer dissatisfaction, and a failure to deliver the intended value of the User Story.

While the other risks mentioned (A, C, and D) might have their relevance in broader project considerations, they do not directly impact the achievement of the User Story's goal as much as option B does. The risk of incorrect or out-of-order instructions is particularly significant because it could lead to improper operation of the machine, resulting in quality issues with the product (steamed milk in this case) or even damage to the machine, both of which have high impact on the project's success.

Therefore, option B is the verified answer as it most accurately reflects a risk that is directly related to the achievement of the User Story's objective, aligning with agile principles of focusing on delivering functional and valuable product increments to the customer.


Which of the following statements about the benefits of the Agile processes promoting early and frequent feedback is NOT true?


Answer: B

See the explanation below.

Option B is not true regarding the benefits of Agile processes promoting early and frequent feedback. The statement, 'Increasing the frequency of feedback and communication between all the stakeholders involved in Agile projects eliminates all communication problems,' overstates the capability of Agile methodologies. While Agile practices such as Scrum and Kanban emphasize continuous feedback and collaboration to improve project outcomes and adapt to changes, they do not claim to eliminate all communication problems.

Communication challenges can arise due to various factors, including but not limited to, differences in stakeholders' perspectives, misunderstandings, and external constraints. Agile methodologies aim to reduce the impact of these challenges by promoting transparency, regular interactions, and adaptive planning. Tools like daily stand-ups, retrospectives, and sprint reviews facilitate ongoing dialogue among team members and stakeholders, helping to identify and address issues promptly. However, these practices enhance communication effectiveness rather than eliminating all potential communication problems.

In contrast, options A, C, and D accurately reflect the principles and benefits of Agile methodologies. Early and frequent feedback helps in identifying and rectifying defects and misalignments with requirements more quickly (A), improves development processes through reflective practices like retrospectives (C), and ensures that the team prioritizes work that delivers the highest value to the customer (D).

Therefore, option B is the verified answer as it presents an unrealistic expectation of Agile processes' impact on communication challenges, contradicting the Agile Manifesto's acknowledgment of the complexity and collaborative nature of software development.


In a sprint planning, the product owner presents a user story written on a card. The team starts having a discussion with the product owner to get an understanding on how the software should work.

The user story written on the card is:

"As a customer, I want to subscribe to the mailing list so that I can receive the latest deal in an email."

By applying the 3C concept, which ONE of the following statements is CORRECT?


Answer: A

See the explanation below.

The 3C concept in Agile development refers to Card, Conversation, and Confirmation. This concept emphasizes the collaborative and iterative nature of defining user stories and their acceptance criteria in Agile projects. In the context of the provided user story, 'As a customer, I want to subscribe to the mailing list so that I can receive the latest deal in an email,' option A is correct. The conversation should include the acceptance criteria discussion, which is an integral part of the 3C concept.

The Card represents the user story itself, which is a brief statement describing a feature or requirement from the user's perspective. The Conversation involves discussions between the development team and the product owner (or other stakeholders) to clarify the details and ensure a mutual understanding of the user story. This conversation is crucial for exploring the user story's implications, discussing potential implementation approaches, and agreeing on the acceptance criteria that define when the story is considered complete and satisfactory.

Confirmation involves agreeing on and documenting the acceptance criteria that emerge from the conversation. These criteria serve as a checklist to ensure that the implemented feature meets the user's needs and expectations as defined in the user story.

Option A is the verified answer because it accurately reflects the importance of including acceptance criteria discussions in the conversation phase of the 3C concept. This practice aligns with Agile principles by ensuring clarity, shared understanding, and a focus on delivering value to the customer.


Which of the following is NOT a statement of value from the Agile Manifesto?


Answer: C

See the explanation below.

The Agile Manifesto, a foundational document for Agile development, outlines four core values intended to guide Agile practices. Option C, 'Processes and tools over individuals and interactions,' is not a statement of value from the Agile Manifesto. In fact, the correct value stated in the Agile Manifesto is the opposite: 'Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.'

The Agile Manifesto values are as follows:

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive documentation

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Responding to change over following a plan

These values emphasize the importance of people, collaboration, adaptability, and the delivery of functional software in Agile development. The manifesto suggests that while processes, tools, documentation, contracts, and plans have their place, they should not overshadow the importance of human elements, effective collaboration, and responsiveness to change.

Option C is the verified answer because it misrepresents the Agile Manifesto's values by prioritizing processes and tools over individuals and interactions, which contradicts the manifesto's emphasis on the latter. This understanding is crucial for implementing Agile practices that align with the manifesto's intent to foster more adaptive, people-oriented, and customer-focused approaches to software development.

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