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IBM C1000-142 PDF Exam Questions:

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C1000-142 PDF
IBM C1000-142 PDF

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Realistic Scenario Based IBM C1000-142 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified IBM Certified Advocate and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real C1000-142 questions. Students can benefit from the C1000-142 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The C1000-142 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based IBM C1000-142 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Which of the following statement is correct for IAM?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

Identity and access management, or IAM is used to control access to resources.


Which of the followings are characteristics of serverless architecture? Except

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

Serverless computing is a cloud computing execution model that provisions computing resources on demand and offloads all responsibility for common infrastructure management tasks. They are auto-scalable so it can handle extremely active traffic periods.

Serverless computing does-not means there are no physical servers utilized, of course there are servers, but we don't have to manage them, in background cloud provider manage (provisioning, scheduling, scaling, patching and more) for us, this gives developers more time to develop and optimize their front-end application code and business logic. And with serverless, customers never pay for idle capacity. They pay only for the resources required to run their applications, and only when those applications are running.

Serverless is a polyglot environment, enabling developers to code in any language or framework - Java, Python, node.js - with which they're comfortable. Because serverless scales up and down on demand in response to workload, it offers significant cost savings for spiky workloads. But it does not offer the same savings for workloads characterized by predictable, steady or long-running processes; in these cases, a traditional server environment might be simpler and more cost-effective.

Serverless Implementations differ across service providers, and capabilities vary, including supported runtimes, authentication, scaling and monitoring.

Serverless architectures are well-suited for event-driven, IOT and stream-processing workloads most notably open-source Apache Kafka event streaming platform.


- Pay only for the time for our code will run.

- Developer don't have to take care of servers or infrastructure, it maintains by cloud provider, so they can focus more on development and business logic.

- API Management & Integrated event sources.

- Serverless scales up and down on demand in response to workload

[Exam Tips]: You can expect, few Question


Which of the following automation services is a serverless platform provider. Except?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

Oracle Cloud Server is a server (compute shape), It's not a server-less offering of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. In-

Correct Answer: AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Microsoft Azure Functions are automation


Cloud native development and hybrid cloud strategy are use cases of?

Answer: B

Which of the following are use cases of cloud object storage? Except

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

Object Storage enable you to store and access unstructured data anywhere in the world with a self-service portal backed by RESTful APIs.

Object Storage supports exponential data growth and cloud-native workloads with built-in high-speed file transfer capabilities, cross-region offerings and integrated services.

Cloud object storage makes it possible to store practically limitless amounts of data, simply and cost effectively.

Example use cases of cloud object storage include:

- Backup and recovery

- Data archiving

- Cloud-native app data

- AI and analytics

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