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Huawei H35-480_V3.0 PDF Exam Questions:

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H35-480_V3.0 PDF
Huawei H35-480_V3.0 PDF

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Realistic Scenario Based Huawei H35-480_V3.0 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified Huawei Certified ICT Associate and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real H35-480_V3.0 questions. Students can benefit from the H35-480_V3.0 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The H35-480_V3.0 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based Huawei H35-480_V3.0 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Which of the following devices is used to implement service slicing on the 5G RAN side?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

On the 5G RAN side, Service Slicing is implemented using a Base Band Unit (BBU). A BBU is a device that performs baseband processing functions, such as modulation, demodulation, and encoding/decoding of signals. It is also responsible for the connection to the core network and the management of the radio resources. In 5G, BBU is a key component to support service slicing, where different services can be assigned different slices of the network resources, such as bandwidth, power, and quality of service. This allows for more efficient use of resources and better management of different types of traffic, such as broadband and low latency services.


E2E network device update is required for the evolution from 5G NSA networking to SA networking.

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

End-to-end (E2E) network device update is required for the evolution from 5G Non-Stand-Alone (NSA) networking to Stand-Alone (SA) networking. In 5G NSA networking, the control plane functions are handled by the 4G LTE network, while the user plane functions are handled by the 5G NR network. In contrast, in 5G SA networking, the control plane and user plane functions are handled by the 5G NR network alone. So, to evolve from 5G NSA to 5G SA, all the network devices including Radio Access Network (RAN), Core Network (CN) and Transport Network (TN) need to be updated with 5G SA capable software and hardware.

It is important to note that 5G SA provides more flexibility, control and autonomy for network operation and management, However, it also requires a higher level of complexity and more resources to operate.


5G wireless network cloudification can significantly improve the user rate.

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

Cloudification of 5G wireless networks can significantly improve the user rate. Cloudification refers to the process of virtualizing the functions of a network and running them on commodity hardware in a data center, rather than on dedicated hardware in the network itself. In the case of 5G wireless networks, this can be achieved by virtualizing the Base Station (gNB) functions and running them on a cloud platform. This allows for more efficient use of resources and better scalability, which can result in an improved user rate.

Additionally, Cloud-RAN (C-RAN) architecture, which is a cloud-based centralization of the baseband processing functions can also be used to improve the user rate by reducing the number of active base stations required in a given area, and also by allowing for more efficient management of resources and more flexible deployment of services.

However, it's worth noting that the improvement of the user rate is not only limited to cloudification, but it's also related to many other factors such as network design, optimization, and management.


C-band is the most popular frequency band for 5G network deployment. However, there is an imbalance between uplink and downlink coverage --- how much does this imbalance approximately amount to?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

The imbalance between uplink and downlink coverage in C-band is not fixed, it varies depending on the network configuration, location, and other factors. Generally speaking, it's hard to provide an exact number for this imbalance, as it depends on the specific network conditions and the equipment used.

However, a common practice is to use more power in downlink than uplink, this is due to the fact that downlink is more sensitive to path loss than uplink, and also because the downlink signal is intended to cover a larger area than the uplink. Therefore, the imbalance is commonly in the range of 3 to 6 dB, and it's more likely to be at the lower end of that range. So, the correct answer is B. 3dB It's worth noting that the C-band is not the most popular frequency band for 5G network deployment, it's just one of the many frequency bands that are being used for 5G deployment, and the most popular frequency bands for 5G deployment vary depending on the country, region, and operator.

Reliable Source Of Preparation For HCIA-5G-RAN V3.0 Exam.

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