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HRCI SPHR PDF Exam Questions:

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Realistic Scenario Based HRCI SPHR PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified HR Certification Institute and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real SPHR questions. Students can benefit from the SPHR exam questions which are available in PDF format. The SPHR exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based HRCI SPHR questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Which of the following functional areas covers activities related to planning for and managing entry into and exit from the organization to meet changing business needs?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

Answer option A is correct.

Workforce Planning and Employment covers activities related to planning for and managing entry into and exit from the organization to meet changing business needs. This includes practices for evaluating workforce requirements, recruitment and selection, developing an employer brand, managing records, establishing a succession plan, and exiting employees from the organization.

Answer option B is incorrect. Business Management and Strategy looks at the 'big picture' of the organization and requires an understanding of overall business operations, basic knowledge of other functional areas in the organization, and the ability to interact and work effectively with those functions.

Answer option C is incorrect. Human Resource Development utilizes training, development, change, and performance management programs to ensure that individuals with the required knowledge, skills, and abilities are available when needed to accomplish organization goals.

Answer option D is incorrect. Employee and Labor Relations address the practices for building positive employment relationships in both union and nonunion environments. This includes employee relations programs, workplace policies and procedures, dispute resolution programs, and collective bargaining activities.

Chapter: Certifying Human Resource Professionals

Objective: Development of the Human Resource Body of Knowledge


According to Knowles, there are five key assumptions about how adults learn. One of the assumptions is the learner's need to know. Which of the following statements is best associated with the assumption of the learner's need to know?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

Answer option B is correct.

The statement 'I understand why I need to learn this' is an assumption that the learner understands the need to know the course material.

Answer option A is incorrect. The statement 'I'm ready to learn this because what I learn will help me function better in some way' is an example of the assumption of the learner's readiness to learn.

Answer option C is incorrect. The statement 'What I learn today will help me solve problems at my workplace tomorrow' is an example of the assumption of the learner's orientation to learning.

Answer option D is incorrect. The statement 'I've got lots of valuable experience that I want to draw upon to help me as I learn' is an example of the assumption of the learner's experience.

Chapter: Core Knowledge Requirements for HR Professionals

Objective: Adult Learning Processes and Learning Styles


As an HR Professional you must be familiar with the project management processes and the stakeholders of projects. All projects can map to the project management lifecycle. Which one of the following best describes the project management lifecycle?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

Answer option C is correct.

The project management lifecycle is the flow of project management activities through the five process groups of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing.

Answer option A is incorrect. This answer describes the project life cycle - which is unique to each project; not universal to all projects.

Answer option B is incorrect. This answer describes the integrated nature of projects where performance in each knowledge area can affect the performance of all other knowledge areas.

Answer option D is incorrect. This answer describes project integration management - the coordination of all necessary project management processes throughout the nine knowledge areas of project management.

Chapter: Core Knowledge Requirements for HR Professionals

Objective: Project Management Concepts


The Department of Labor establishes the rules for unemployment insurance and associated claims. Who administers the unemployment?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

Answer option B is correct.

Unemployment insurance claims are managed locally within each state, but federal rules do apply.

Answer option A is incorrect. Unemployment claims are not managed by the department of labor.

Answer option C is incorrect. Insurance companies do provide unemployment insurance, but it's the local state government that manages the claims.

Answer option D is incorrect. Each organization does not manage the unemployment claims.

Chapter: Core Knowledge Requirements for HR Professionals

Objective: Diversity Concepts


A correlation coefficient is an example of a type of what?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

Answer option B is correct.

Qualitative analysis is a form of research that uses mathematical models such as correlation, correlation coefficient, and measures of central tendency to provide solutions to problems. Quantitative analysis attempts to measure historical data (B), a job evaluation measures the relative value of each job within the organization (C) and a learning matrix is a generic term that can be used to identify organizational learning strategies (D) . See Chapters 2 and 4 for more information.

Chapter: Core Knowledge Requirements for HR Professionals

Objective: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

Reliable Source Of Preparation For SPHR - Senior Professional in Human Resources Exam.

We provide HR Certification Institute certification questions along with answers to assist students in passing the HRCI Exam. You can enhance your HRCI SPHR preparation with the help of an online practice engine. Try out our HRCI SPHR questions because 98% of Examskit users passed the final SPHR exam in one go.