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HPE7-A07 PDF Exam Questions:

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Realistic Scenario Based HP HPE7-A07 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified HP Aruba and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real HPE7-A07 questions. Students can benefit from the HPE7-A07 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The HPE7-A07 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based HPE7-A07 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


A customer is evaluating device profiles on a CX 6300 switch. The test device has the following attribute:


* MAC address=81:cd:93:13:ab:31

The test device needs to be assigned the "lot-prod'' role, in addition the "lot-default" role must be applied for any other device connected lo interface 1/1/1. This is a lab environment with no configuration of any external authentication server for the test.

Given the configuration example, what is required to meet this testing requirement?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

The fallback role is used as a default role in the absence of a specified role or when an authentication server is not available. Given the scenario, where the test device with MAC address 81:cd:93:13:ab:31 needs to be assigned to 'iot-prod' and other devices to 'iot-default', and considering there is no external authentication server configured for the test, the appropriate action would be to set a global fallback role that applies to all devices connecting to the network. This ensures that any device that does not match the specific device profile will inherit the 'iot-default' role. Since the configuration for a specific MAC address (81:cd:93:xx:xx:xx) to associate with the 'iot-prod' role is already in place, setting the fallback role globally accommodates the requirement for other devices.




Which user role will be assigned when a voice client tries to connect for the first time, but the RADIUS server is unavailable?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

In the provided configuration for interface 1/1/7, there are roles specified for different scenarios concerning authentication. When a voice client attempts to connect and the RADIUS server is unreachable, the role that is assigned is the one specified as the 'critical-voice-role'. In this case, the 'CRITICAL_VOICE' role is configured to be assigned under such circumstances, ensuring that voice clients receive appropriate network access permissions even when the RADIUS server is not available to authenticate them.


You configured a WPA3-SAE with the following MAC Authentication Role Mapping in Cloud Authentication and Policy:


With further default settings assume a new Android phone is connected to the network. Which role will the client be assigned after connecting for the first time?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

The configuration shown in the third exhibit details a client role mapping that associates different client profile tags with specific client roles. When a new device, such as an Android phone, connects to the network, it will be profiled and assigned a role based on the mappings defined. If the device does not match any predefined profiles, it would be assigned the 'unmatched-device' role. This is under the assumption that default settings are in place and the client does not match the criteria for any of the specific roles like 'byod', 'iot-internet', or 'iot-local'. Therefore, an Android phone connecting for the first time and not matching any specific profile tag would be assigned to the 'unmatched-device' role.


You are testing the use of the automated port-access role configuration process using RadSec authentication over VXLAN. During your testing you observed that the RadSec connection will fan during the digital certificate exchange

What would be the cause of this Issue?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

During the testing of RadSec authentication over VXLAN, if the RadSec connection fails during the digital certificate exchange, it typically indicates an issue with the establishment of the TLS tunnel, which is required for RadSec's secure communication. The failure of TLS tunnel establishment can occur due to RADIUS TCP packets being dropped, preventing the secure exchange of digital certificates necessary for RadSec authentication. The other options, such as IPv6 address reachability, tracking mode settings, and proxy server misconfiguration, are not directly related to the failure of the TLS tunnel establishment during the certificate exchange process


An OSPF router has learned a pain 10 an external network by Doth an E1 and an E2 advertisement Both routes have the same path cost Which path will the router prefer?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

In OSPF, when a router learns about an external network through both E1 and E2 advertisements, and if both have the same path cost, the router will prefer the E1 path. This is because E1 routes consider both the external cost to reach the external network and the internal cost to reach the ASBR, providing a more comprehensive metric. E2 routes only consider the external cost and ignore the internal cost to the ASBR, which could potentially lead to suboptimal routing. Therefore, the router will choose the E1 path due to its more accurate representation of the total path cost.

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