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HPE7-A03 PDF Exam Questions:

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Realistic Scenario Based HP HPE7-A03 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified HPE Aruba Certified Network Architect and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real HPE7-A03 questions. Students can benefit from the HPE7-A03 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The HPE7-A03 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based HPE7-A03 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


A customer wants to have the ability to show network usage. Which product would allow them to have this visibility?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

Aruba Central provides a cloud-based management platform for managing and monitoring Aruba Instant APs, switches, and branch gateways. It offers a comprehensive dashboard that gives insights into network usage, health, and performance metrics. Central allows network administrators to have visibility over their entire network infrastructure from a single pane of glass, including detailed usage statistics, which can be broken down by device, application, and time. This visibility into network usage is crucial for optimizing network performance, planning capacity, and understanding user behavior. Aruba Central's analytics and reporting capabilities enable customers to track and analyze network usage, making it the appropriate product choice for customers wanting to monitor their network usage closely.


The clients existing network is experiencing trouble with voice occasionally dropping out on phone calls between office locations, it Is determined that no packet loss is occurring and QOS is likely the cause. With what phenomenon Is the client currently experiencing issues?







Answer: B

See the explanation below.

The client is experiencing issues with Jitter, as depicted in Option B. Jitter refers to the variation in time between packets arriving, caused by network congestion, timing drift, or route changes. In voice communications, jitter can manifest as the occasional dropping out of voice on phone calls because the variable delay can affect the steady stream of voice packets needed for a clear conversation. Even when there is no packet loss, high levels of jitter can significantly impact the quality of Voice over IP (VoIP) calls. Quality of Service (QoS) settings are essential in managing jitter, as they can prioritize voice traffic over other types of data, ensuring that voice packets are delivered consistently and in the correct order to minimize delays and prevent call quality degradation. Aruba Campus Access solutions would typically include QoS features to manage and mitigate jitter on the network.


You ate presenting your network design solution to your customer. What Is important to include in your presentation?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

When presenting a network design solution to a customer, it is crucial to focus on the benefits that the solution will bring to their business. This includes both tangible returns, such as cost savings, increased efficiency, and improved performance, and intangible returns, such as enhanced security, scalability, and user satisfaction. Highlighting how the solution addresses the customer's specific needs and challenges, and how it aligns with their business objectives, helps in demonstrating the value of the solution and facilitates decision-making. Including tangible and intangible returns in the presentation makes it more compelling and relevant to the customer's business goals, thereby increasing the likelihood of the proposal's acceptance.


The customer recently found out that Aruba OS-CX switches are capable of Application Recognition. What requirements should be fulfilled in order to do this? (Select two.)

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

Aruba OS-CX switches, specifically the Aruba 6400 and 6300F/M models, are designed to support advanced networking features, including Application Recognition, with the Aruba CX Advanced License. The Advanced License enables enhanced capabilities such as deeper visibility into application flows, advanced routing features, and improved network analytics. Application Recognition allows these switches to identify and classify applications running on the network, enabling more intelligent and dynamic network policies and improving overall network performance and security. The requirement for an Aruba CX Advanced License on these specific models ensures that the necessary software features and support are available to leverage Application Recognition capabilities effectively.


You hired a junior engineer to assist you with a large-scale network infrastructure project. The engineer has never worked on such a complex project before and wants to better understand the role that each stakeholder will play in the project.

What is the role of the Network Designer/Architect in this project?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

The role of the Network Designer/Architect in a large-scale network infrastructure project is to develop a detailed technical design that meets the project's requirements. This involves authoring the low-level design documents, which include detailed network diagrams, device configurations, and implementation guidelines. The Network Designer/Architect must understand the technical specifications and business goals to create a solution that is not only technically sound but also aligned with the organization's objectives. This role is critical in ensuring that the network infrastructure is designed to be scalable, reliable, and secure, providing a solid foundation for the organization's operations.

Reliable Source Of Preparation For Aruba Certified Campus Access Architect Exam.

We provide HPE Aruba Certified Network Architect certification questions along with answers to assist students in passing the HP Exam. You can enhance your HPE7-A03 preparation with the help of an online practice engine. Try out our HPE7-A03 questions because 98% of Examskit users passed the final HPE7-A03 exam in one go.