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HPE6-A47 PDF Exam Questions:

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Your knowledge and abilities are validated by passing the HPE6-A47 exam. Our PDF questions and answers will help you prepare for the HPE6-A47 exam in a short time because it includes questions similar to the real HP exam questions. After downloading the HPE6-A47 HP PDF exam questions, relevant to the actual exam, you can take a print of all questions and prepare them anytime, anywhere.

Realistic Scenario Based HP HPE6-A47 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified Aruba Certified Design Professional V1 and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real HPE6-A47 questions. Students can benefit from the HPE6-A47 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The HPE6-A47 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based HPE6-A47 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Refer to the exhibit.


The customer needs to expand its wired and wireless network to a new building, Building 2, which is near the existing building, Building 1. The exhibit shows the logical plan that the architect has created so far. The aggregation layer switches in the new building should provide the default gateway services for the VLANs in the new building and route traffic to the core. The existing Aruba Mobility Controllers (MCs) will control the new APs.

What should be the VLAN assignment for Link 1, indicated in the exhibit?

Answer: C

Read this scenario thoroughly, and then answer each that displays on the right side of the screen.

An architect proposes these products for a customer who wants a wireless and wired upgrade:

1. Aruba 2930M switches at the access layer

2. Aruba 5406R switches at the core

3. Aruba AP-325s

4. Aruba 7205 Mobility Controllers (MCs), deployed in a cluster

5. Aruba Mobility Master (MM)

6. Aruba ClearPass Cx000V

7. Aruba AirWare

The architect also needs to propose a security plan for the solution. The customer has 900 employees and up

to 30 guests a day. The customer wants to protect the internal perimeter of the network with authentication and

simple access controls. The customer is most concerned about wireless security, but also wants to ensure that

only trusted users connect on the wire. However, the customer also wants all wired traffic to be forwarded

locally on access layer switches. The customer already has a third-party firewall that protects the data center.

The customer wants to use certificates to authenticate user devices, but is concerned about the complexity of

deploying the solution. The architect should recommend a way to simplify. For the most part users connect

company-issued laptops to the network. However, users can bring their own devices and connect them to the

network. The customer does not know how many devices each user will connect, but expects about two or

three per-user. DHCP logs indicate that the network supports a maximum of 2800 devices.

Refer to the provided scenario. Which ClearPass licenses should the architect include in the proposal?

Answer: B

Read this scenario thoroughly, and then answer each that displays on the right side of the screen.

An architect proposes these products for a customer who wants a wireless and wired upgrade:

1. Aruba 2930M switches at the access layer

2. Aruba 5406R switches at the core

3. Aruba AP-325s

4. Aruba 7205 Mobility Controllers (MCs), deployed in a cluster

5. Aruba Mobility Master (MM)

6. Aruba ClearPass Cx000V

7. Aruba AirWare

The architect also needs to propose a security plan for the solution. The customer has 900 employees and up

to 30 guests a day. The customer wants to protect the internal perimeter of the network with authentication and

simple access controls. The customer is most concerned about wireless security, but also wants to ensure that

only trusted users connect on the wire. However, the customer also wants all wired traffic to be forwarded

locally on access layer switches. The customer already has a third-party firewall that protects the data center.

The customer wants to use certificates to authenticate user devices, but is concerned about the complexity of

deploying the solution. The architect should recommend a way to simplify. For the most part users connect

company-issued laptops to the network. However, users can bring their own devices and connect them to the

network. The customer does not know how many devices each user will connect, but expects about two or

three per-user. DHCP logs indicate that the network supports a maximum of 2800 devices.

Refer to the provided scenario. Based on the plan for wired authentication, what is a correct plan for wired user


Answer: C

Read this scenario thoroughly, and then answer each that displays on the right side of the screen.

An architect proposes these products for a customer who wants a wireless and wired upgrade:

1. Aruba 2930M switches at the access layer

2. Aruba 5406R switches at the core

3. Aruba AP-325s

4. Aruba 7205 Mobility Controllers (MCs), deployed in a cluster

5. Aruba Mobility Master (MM)

6. Aruba ClearPass Cx000V

7. Aruba AirWare

The architect also needs to propose a security plan for the solution. The customer has 900 employees and up

to 30 guests a day. The customer wants to protect the internal perimeter of the network with authentication and

simple access controls. The customer is most concerned about wireless security, but also wants to ensure that

only trusted users connect on the wire. However, the customer also wants all wired traffic to be forwarded

locally on access layer switches. The customer already has a third-party firewall that protects the data center.

The customer wants to use certificates to authenticate user devices, but is concerned about the complexity of

deploying the solution. The architect should recommend a way to simplify. For the most part users connect

company-issued laptops to the network. However, users can bring their own devices and connect them to the

network. The customer does not know how many devices each user will connect, but expects about two or

three per-user. DHCP logs indicate that the network supports a maximum of 2800 devices.

Refer to the provided scenario.

Which solution should the architect recommend on the 2930M switches to authenticate and control wired

employee devices?

Answer: A

An architect needs to choose between an Aruba Mobility Controller (MC) 7010 or 7024. Which customer need

indicates that the 7024 is a better choice than the 7010?

Answer: A

Reliable Source Of Preparation For Designing Aruba Solutions Exam.

We provide Aruba Certified Design Professional V1 certification questions along with answers to assist students in passing the HP Exam. You can enhance your HPE6-A47 preparation with the help of an online practice engine. Try out our HPE6-A47 questions because 98% of Examskit users passed the final HPE6-A47 exam in one go.