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Realistic Scenario Based HP HPE2-W11 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified HPE Sales Certified and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real HPE2-W11 questions. Students can benefit from the HPE2-W11 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The HPE2-W11 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based HPE2-W11 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


You are discussing HPE Aruba Networking ESP (Edge Services Platform) solutions with a customer. This customer has mentioned supporting remote and hybrid workers as a key business

initiative. What benefit of HPE Aruba Networking solutions should you emphasize?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

HPE Aruba Networking ESP (Edge Services Platform) solutions enable customers to deliver a consistent and secure network experience to remote and hybrid workers, regardless of their location or device. By using HPE Aruba Networking Central, customers can define and enforce granular, role-based policies that are automatically applied across the network, from the edge to the cloud. This simplifies network management and enhances security and compliance.

* Selling HPE Aruba Networking Solutions, Rev.23.11, page 12: ''Aruba ESP enables IT to deliver a consistent and secure network experience to remote and hybrid workers, regardless of their location or device.''

* Selling HPE Aruba Networking Solutions, Rev.23.11, page 13: ''Aruba Central is the cloud-native, single pane of glass for managing Aruba ESP. It provides a simple, secure, and cost-effective way to manage and monitor Aruba wired, wireless, and SD-WAN infrastructure, as well as Aruba security and location services.''

* Selling HPE Aruba Networking Solutions, Rev.23.11, page 14: ''Aruba Policy Enforcement Firewall (PEF) is a key component of Aruba ESP that provides granular, role-based access control and security for wired and wireless networks. PEF enables IT to define and enforce policies based on user identity, device type, location, time, and application, across the network from the edge to the cloud.''


What is a use case for HPE Aruba Networking Central with AIOps?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

HPE Aruba Networking Central with AIOps is a cloud-native network management solution that leverages artificial intelligence to provide full-stack insights for enhanced root cause analysis, impact assessment, and recommendations. It helps IT teams simplify network operations and improve productivity by reducing manual tasks and proactively identifying and resolving network issues before they affect users and business applications.

* Selling HPE Aruba Networking Solutions, Rev.23.11, page 13: ''Aruba Central is the cloud-native, single pane of glass for managing Aruba ESP. It provides a simple, secure, and cost-effective way to manage and monitor Aruba wired, wireless, and SD-WAN infrastructure, as well as Aruba security and location services.''

* Selling HPE Aruba Networking Solutions, Rev.23.11, page 15: ''Aruba Central with AIOps provides AI-powered full-stack insights for enhanced root cause analysis (RCA), impact assessment, and recommendations. It helps IT teams simplify network operations and improve productivity by reducing manual tasks and proactively identifying and resolving network issues before they affect users and business applications.''

* HPE Aruba Networking simplifies IT operations with AIOps-driven cloud management and new network-as-a-service capabilities available on HPE GreenLake: ''To alleviate time spent on network troubleshooting and optimization, the HPE Aruba Networking Central cloud network management platform has been re-designed to simplify operations and improve productivity by leveraging artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) to reduce manual tasks, so stretched networking teams can focus on more strategic and higher-value projects.''

* HPE Aruba network platforms gain AIOps, Agile NaaS: ''The next generation of HPE Aruba Networking Central will leverage artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps), providing AI-powered full-stack insights for enhanced root cause analysis (RCA), impact assessment and recommendations.''


What approach does Aruba Edge Service Platform (ESP) take towards IT operations?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

Aruba ESP (Edge Services Platform) is a cloud-native platform that leverages artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) to simplify and improve network operations across all edges. It uses machine learning to analyze data from various sources, such as network devices, users, applications, and security events, to provide insights, recommendations, and automation for network optimization and troubleshooting.

* Selling HPE Aruba Networking Solutions, Rev.23.11, page 15: ''Aruba Central with AIOps provides AI-powered full-stack insights for enhanced root cause analysis (RCA), impact assessment, and recommendations. It helps IT teams simplify network operations and improve productivity by reducing manual tasks and proactively identifying and resolving network issues before they affect users and business applications.''

* Introducing Aruba ESP: ''Aruba ESP (Edge Services Platform) is the industry's first cloud-native platform designed to automate, unify, and secure the Edge --- using AI to spot and fix problems before they impact your business.''

* What is Aruba Edge Services Platform (ESP)? - Comport: ''How Does Aruba ESP Work? Aruba ESP has the capability to analyze unstructured data that users, devices and applications provide across all of a network's domains. This data is then used to curate contextual information about identity, location, applications in use and security posture to become hyper-aware of a network's operations.''


Which customer challenge indicates a good opportunity for selling HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect solutions?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect solutions enable customers to leverage multiple WAN transport options, such as broadband internet, 4G/5G/LTE, and MPLS, to optimize bandwidth, performance, and cost. EdgeConnect solutions also provide dynamic path control, which automatically steers traffic to the best available path based on business intent policies and real-time network conditions. This way, customers can increase WAN bandwidth without increasing costs or complexity.

* Selling HPE Aruba Networking Solutions, Rev.23.11, page 16: ''EdgeConnect SD-WAN platform enables customers to use any combination of WAN transport technologies without compromising network or application performance. It supports MPLS, 4G/5G/LTE, and internet-based hybrid WAN data paths and a control plane that is automated and secured by Aruba Orchestrator management software to provide policy-based virtual network segmentation and acceleration of on-premise and SaaS cloud applications.''

* Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN | HPE Aruba Networking: 'Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN | HPE Aruba Networking Home / Products / SD-WAN / EdgeConnect EdgeConnect SD-WAN The EdgeConnect SD


What common customer desire is addressed by HPE Aruba Networking Central network management?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

HPE Aruba Networking Central is a cloud-based network management solution that simplifies IT operations, improves agility, and reduces costs by unifying management of all network infrastructure. It eliminates the need for customers to invest in, deploy, and maintain on-premises management tools, and provides a single pane of glass for managing campus, branch, remote, data center, and IoT networks from one dashboard.

* Selling HPE Aruba Networking Solutions, Rev.23.11, page 13: ''Aruba Central is the cloud-native, single pane of glass for managing Aruba ESP. It provides a simple, secure, and cost-effective way to manage and monitor Aruba wired, wireless, and SD-WAN infrastructure, as well as Aruba security and location services.''

* Aruba Central for Cloud-managed networking | HPE Aruba Networking: ''Built on a cloud-native, microservices architecture, Central is an AI-powered solution that simplifies IT operations, improves agility, and reduces costs by unifying management of all network infrastructure.''

* HPE Aruba Central | HPE United Kingdom - Hewlett Packard Enterprise: ''Simplify how you provision, configure, and maintain networks by orchestrating all operations from a cloud-native dashboard. Aruba Central is your single point of visibility and control to oversee every aspect of wired and wireless LANs, WANs, and VPNs across campus, branch, remote, and data center locations.''

Reliable Source Of Preparation For Selling HPE Aruba Networking Solutions Exam.

We provide HPE Sales Certified certification questions along with answers to assist students in passing the HP Exam. You can enhance your HPE2-W11 preparation with the help of an online practice engine. Try out our HPE2-W11 questions because 98% of Examskit users passed the final HPE2-W11 exam in one go.