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GIAC GSEC PDF Exam Questions:

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Realistic Scenario Based GIAC GSEC PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified GIAC Cyber Defense and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real GSEC questions. Students can benefit from the GSEC exam questions which are available in PDF format. The GSEC exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based GIAC GSEC questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Which of the following is NOT the feature of SELinux in the Red Hat enterprise Linux?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

SELinux is an operating system based on Linux which includes Mandatory Access Control. The SELinux provides Kernel-level security for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Answer options C, B, and D are incorrect. These are the features of SELinux.


You have been hired by the company to upgrade its existing Windows NT 4.0 network to a Windows 2000 based network. In the past, the company's support group has faced difficult time because users changed the configuration of their workstations. Which of the following features of the Active Directory would best justify the move to the Windows 2000 network?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

Group policy object (GPO) is used to restrict users from changing the setting of their workstations in the network.

Group policy object (GPO) is a collection of group policy settings. It can be created using a Windows utility known as the Group Policy snap-in.

GPO affects the user and computer accounts located in sites, domains, and organizational units (OUs). The Windows operating system

supports two types of GPOs, i.e., local and non-local (Active Directory-based) GPOs.

Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) enables clients with dynamically assigned address to register directly with a server running the DNS

Service and update the DNS table dynamically.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a TCP/IP standard used to dynamically assign IP addresses to computers, so that they can communicate with other network services. It reduces the complexity of managing network client IP address configuration. A DHCP server configures DHCP-enabled client computers on the network. It runs on servers only. It also provides integration with the Active Directory directory service.

An organizational unit (OU) is a type of Active Directory object (or container) in which user accounts, groups, computers, printers, applications,

file shares, and other organizational units within a single domain can be placed. It allows administrators to logically organize and store Active

Directory objects in a domain. OUs are used to contain and assign specific permissions to groups of objects, such as users and printers.


Which of the following devices connects two segments of the same local area network (LAN) but keeps traffic separate on the two segments?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

A bridge connects two segments of the same LAN but keeps traffic separate on the two segments.

A bridge is an interconnectivity device that connects two local area networks (LANs) or two segments of the same LAN using the same

communication protocols, and provides address filtering between them. Users can use this device to divide busy networks into segments and

reduce network traffic. A bridge broadcasts data packets to all the possible destinations within a specific segment. Bridges operate at the

data-link layer of the OSI model.

Answer option B is incorrect. Modem stands for Modulator-Demodulator. It is a device that enables a computer to transmit information over standard telephone lines. Since a computer stores information digitally and a telephone line is analog, a modem converts digital signals to analog and vice versa. The conversion of a digital signal to analog is known as modulation and that of an analog signal to digital is known as demodulation.

Answer option D is incorrect. A switch is a network connectivity device that brings media segments together in a central location. It reads the

destination's MAC address or hardware address from each incoming data packet and forwards the data packet to its destination. This reduces

the network traffic. Switches operate at the data-link layer of the OSI model.

Answer option A is incorrect. A hub is a device used to link computers in a network. It connects computers that have a common architecture,

such as Ethernet, ARCnet, FDDI, or Token Ring. All hub-computer connections for a particular network use the same type of cable, which can

be twisted-pair, coaxial, or fiber-optic. Hubs are generally used in star topology networks. Token Ring hubs are also known as Multistation

Access Units (MSAUs). A hub works on the physical layer of the OSI model.


You work as a Network Administrator for McRoberts Inc. The company has a Linux-based network. You have created a script named lf.cgi. You want to provide the following permissions on it:


Which of the following commands will you execute?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

According to the question, the permission set requires setting SID with the owner and the group. Moreover, the Read, Write, and Execute permissions on the script file are required for the owner, Read and Execute permissions for the group, and Read permission for others.

The chmod command is used to change the permissions. The last three digits, i.e., 754 will provide the required permissions to the owner,

group, and others. The digit 7 will provide the Read, Write, and Execute permissions to the owner. The digit 5 will provide the Read and

Execute permissions to the group. The digit 4 will provide the Read permission to others.

According to the question, you have to set SID for the owner and users. For the owner (SUID), you will have to add 4 as a prefix to the

permission number. For the group (SGID), you will have to add 2 as a prefix to it. For setting both the SIDs (SUID and SGID), you will have to

add 6 as a prefix to the permission set. Hence, in order to accomplish the task, you will have to run the following command:

chmod 6754

This will set the SID for the owner and group on the permission set of the lf.cgi script file. When SID is set, the Execute permission symbol x is replaced with s.


Which of the following records is the first entry in a DNS database file?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

Start of Authority (SOA) record is the first record in any DNS database file. The SOA resource record includes the following fields: owner, TTL,

class, type, authoritative server, refresh, minimum TTL, etc.

Answer option C is incorrect. Canonical Name (CNAME) is a resource record that creates an alias for the specified Fully Qualified Domain Name

(FQDN). It hides the implementation details of a network from the clients that are connected to the network.

Answer option D is incorrect. MX is a mail exchange resource record in the database file of a DNS server. It specifies a mail exchange server for

a DNS domain name.

Answer option B is incorrect. SRV resource record is a DNS record that enables users to specify the location of servers for a specific service,

protocol, and DNS domain. For example, if there are two servers in a domain, creating SRV records specifies which hosts serve as Web

servers, and resolvers can then retrieve all the SRV resource records for the Web servers.

Reliable Source Of Preparation For GIAC Security Essentials Exam.

We provide GIAC Cyber Defense certification questions along with answers to assist students in passing the GIAC Exam. You can enhance your GIAC GSEC preparation with the help of an online practice engine. Try out our GIAC GSEC questions because 98% of Examskit users passed the final GSEC exam in one go.