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Fortinet NSE7_ZTA-7.2 PDF Exam Questions:

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Fortinet NSE7_ZTA-7.2 PDF

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Realistic Scenario Based Fortinet NSE7_ZTA-7.2 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified Fortinet Certified Solution Specialist and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real NSE7_ZTA-7.2 questions. Students can benefit from the NSE7_ZTA-7.2 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The NSE7_ZTA-7.2 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based Fortinet NSE7_ZTA-7.2 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


An administrator has to configure LDAP authentication tor ZTNA HTTPS access proxy Which authentication scheme can the administrator apply1?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) authentication for ZTNA (Zero Trust Network Access) HTTPS access proxy is effectively implemented using a Form-based authentication scheme. This approach allows for a secure, interactive, and user-friendly means of capturing credentials. Form-based authentication presents a web form to the user, enabling them to enter their credentials (username and password), which are then processed for authentication against the LDAP directory. This method is widely used for web-based applications, making it a suitable choice for HTTPS access proxy setups in a ZTNA framework. Reference: FortiGate Security 7.2 Study Guide, LDAP Authentication configuration sections.


FortiNAC has alarm mappings configured for MDM compliance failure, and FortiClient EMS is added as a MDM connector When an endpoint is quarantined by FortiClient EMS, what action does FortiNAC perform?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

In the scenario where FortiNAC has alarm mappings configured for MDM (Mobile Device Management) compliance failure and FortiClient EMS (Endpoint Management System) is integrated as an MDM connector, the typical response when an endpoint is quarantined by FortiClient EMS is to isolate the host in the registration VLAN. This action is consistent with FortiNAC's approach to network access control, focusing on ensuring network security and compliance. By moving the non-compliant or quarantined host to a registration VLAN, FortiNAC effectively segregates it from the rest of the network, mitigating potential risks while allowing for further investigation or remediation steps. Reference: FortiNAC documentation, MDM Compliance and Response Actions.




Based on the ZTNA logs provided, which statement is true?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

Based on the ZTNA logs provided, the true statement is:

A) The Remote_user ZTNA tag has matched the ZTNA rule: The log includes a user tag 'ztna_user' and a policy name 'External_Access_FAZ', which suggests that the ZTNA tag for 'Remote_User' has successfully matched the ZTNA rule defined in the policy to allow access.

The other options are not supported by the information in the log:

B) An authentication scheme is configured: The log does not provide details about an authentication scheme.

C) The external IP for ZTNA server is The log entry indicates 'dstip=' which suggests that this is the destination IP address for the traffic, not necessarily the external IP of the ZTNA server.

D) Traffic is allowed by firewall policy 1: The log entry 'policyid=1' indicates that the traffic is matched to firewall policy ID 1, but it does not explicitly state that the traffic is allowed; although the term 'action=accept' suggests that the action taken by the policy is to allow the traffic, the answer option D could be considered correct as well.

Interpretation of FortiGate ZTNA Log Files.

Analyzing Traffic Logs for Zero Trust Network Access.




Which port group membership should you enable on FortiNAC to isolate rogue hosts'?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

In FortiNAC, to isolate rogue hosts, you should enable the:

C) Forced Remediation: This port group membership is used to isolate hosts that have been determined to be non-compliant or potentially harmful. It enforces a remediation process on the devices in this group, often by placing them in a separate VLAN or network segment where they have limited or no access to the rest of the network until they are remediated.

The other options are not specifically designed for isolating rogue hosts:

A) Forced Authentication: This is used to require devices to authenticate before gaining network access.

B) Forced Registration: This group is used to ensure that all devices are registered before they are allowed on the network.

D) Reset Forced Registration: This is used to reset the registration status of devices, not to isolate them.




Which statement is true about the hr endpoint?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

Based on the exhibit showing the status of the hr endpoint, the true statement about this endpoint is:

D) The endpoint has been marked at risk: The 'w' next to the host status for the 'hr' endpoint typically denotes a warning, indicating that the system has marked it as at risk due to some security policy violations or other concerns that need to be addressed.

The other options do not align with

the provided symbol 'w' in the context of FortiNAC:

A) The endpoint is a rogue device: If the endpoint were rogue, we might expect a different symbol, often indicating a critical status or alarm.

B) The endpoint is disabled: A disabled status is typically indicated by a different icon or status indicator.

C) The endpoint is unauthenticated: An unauthenticated status would also be represented by a different symbol or status indication, not a 'w'.

Reliable Source Of Preparation For Fortinet NSE 7 - Zero Trust Access 7.2 Exam.

We provide Fortinet Certified Solution Specialist certification questions along with answers to assist students in passing the Fortinet Exam. You can enhance your Fortinet NSE7_ZTA-7.2 preparation with the help of an online practice engine. Try out our Fortinet NSE7_ZTA-7.2 questions because 98% of Examskit users passed the final NSE7_ZTA-7.2 exam in one go.