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Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 PDF Exam Questions:

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Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 PDF

Prepare Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 Exam Within Short Time

Your knowledge and abilities are validated by passing the Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam. Our PDF questions and answers will help you prepare for the NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam in a short time because it includes questions similar to the real Fortinet exam questions. After downloading the NSE7_OTS-7.2 Fortinet PDF exam questions, relevant to the actual exam, you can take a print of all questions and prepare them anytime, anywhere.

Realistic Scenario Based Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified Fortinet Certified Solution Specialist and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real NSE7_OTS-7.2 questions. Students can benefit from the NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


What are two benefits of a Nozomi integration with FortiNAC? (Choose two.)

Answer: A, D

See the explanation below.

The two benefits of a Nozomi integration with FortiNAC are enhanced point of connection details and importation and classification of hosts. Enhanced point of connection details allows for the identification and separation of traffic from multiple points of connection, such as Wi-Fi, wired, cellular, and VPN. Importation and classification of hosts allows for the automated importing and classification of host and device information into FortiNAC. This allows for better visibility and control of the network.


Which three criteria can a FortiGate device use to look for a matching firewall policy to process traffic? (Choose three.)

Answer: A, D, E

See the explanation below.

The three criteria that a FortiGate device can use to look for a matching firewall policy to process traffic are:

A) Services defined in the firewall policy - FortiGate devices can match firewall policies based on the services defined in the policy, such as HTTP, FTP, or DNS.

D) Destination defined as internet services in the firewall policy - FortiGate devices can also match firewall policies based on the destination of the traffic, including destination IP address, interface, or internet services.

E) Highest to lowest priority defined in the firewall policy - FortiGate devices can prioritize firewall policies based on the priority defined in the policy. The device will process traffic against the policy with the highest priority first and move down the list until it finds a matching policy.

Fortinet NSE 7 - Enterprise Firewall 6.4 Study Guide, Chapter 4: Policy Implementation, page 4-18.


Refer to the exhibit and analyze the output.


Which statement about the output is true?

Answer: C

Which three Fortinet products can be used for device identification in an OT industrial control system (ICS)? (Choose three.)

Answer: A, D, E

See the explanation below.

A) FortiNAC - FortiNAC is a network access control solution that provides visibility and control over network devices. It can identify devices, enforce access policies, and automate threat response.

D) FortiSIEM - FortiSIEM is a security information and event management solution that can collect and analyze data from multiple sources, including network devices and servers. It can help identify potential security threats, as well as monitor compliance with security policies and regulations.

E) FortiAnalyzer - FortiAnalyzer is a central logging and reporting solution that collects and analyzes data from multiple sources, including FortiNAC and FortiSIEM. It can provide insights into network activity and help identify anomalies or security threats.

Fortinet NSE 7 - OT Security 6.4 Study Guide, Chapter 4: OT Security Devices, page 4-20.


Refer to the exhibit


In the topology shown in the exhibit, both PLCs can communicate directly with each other, without going through the firewall.

Which statement about the topology is true?

Answer: D

Reliable Source Of Preparation For Fortinet NSE 7 - OT Security 7.2 Exam.

We provide Fortinet Certified Solution Specialist certification questions along with answers to assist students in passing the Fortinet Exam. You can enhance your Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 preparation with the help of an online practice engine. Try out our Fortinet NSE7_OTS-7.2 questions because 98% of Examskit users passed the final NSE7_OTS-7.2 exam in one go.