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Realistic Scenario Based ECDL ECDL-ADVANCED PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified ECDL Foundation Certification and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real ECDL-ADVANCED questions. Students can benefit from the ECDL-ADVANCED exam questions which are available in PDF format. The ECDL-ADVANCED exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based ECDL-ADVANCED questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Which of the following statements will you use to delete a table from a database?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

You will use the DROP TABLE statement to delete a table from a database. The syntax is as follows:

DROP TABLE <table_name>

Here, the DROP TABLE statement is used to drop the table and the <table_name> specifies the name of the table to be deleted.

The DROP TABLE statement removes the table from the database. It can only be recovered if the backup of the database is present.

Answer options D, C, and B are incorrect. There are no such types of statements available.


Objective: Query Design


Which of the following queries is used to see the relationship of data between two fields?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

A crosstab query is a powerful analysis tool used to see the relationship of data between two fields. It calculates and restructures data for easier analysis. A user can use a crosstab query to calculate a sum, average, count, or other type of total for data that is grouped by two types of information- one down the left side of the datasheet and one across the top. The cell at the junction of each row and column displays the results of the query's calculation. This view is just like a spreadsheet with unique values of one field as rows, unique values of another field as columns, and the summary of another field as the cells in the matrix. How to create a crosstab query?

Take the following steps to create a crosstab query:

On the Open Recent Database page, click the required database.

On the database window, click the Create tab.

On the Create tab, click the Query Wizard.

On the New Query dialog box, select the Crosstab Query Wizard, and click the OK button.

On the Crosstab Query Wizard, select a table, and click the Next button.

On the Crosstab Query Wizard, the columns of the selected table are displayed in the Available Fields list box.

On the Crosstab Query Wizard, move the columns from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list by clicking on the > button. The >> button is not available in this wizard.

Click on the < button to move a field from the Selected Fields list to the Available Fields list. Click on the << button to move all the columns from the Selected Fields list to the Available Fields list. Select the Next button.

On the Crosstab Query Wizard, select the View the query radio button, and click the Finish button.

The result of the query will be saved and displayed in the database window.

Answer option A is incorrect. A parameter query prompts a user for information to be used in the query.

Answer option B is incorrect. A select query is used to retrieve data from one or more tables. It is used to display the results in a datasheet.

Answer option C is incorrect. An action query is used to update multiple records in one operation.


Objective: Table Design


You work as an Office Assistant for Company Inc. You are creating a presentation in PowerPoint 2010. You have created a button in the presentation. You want a program to run when you click on the button or hover your mouse over it during the slide show. Which of the following will you use to accomplish the task?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

The Action icon feature is used to apply an action to the selected object in a slide to indicate what should happen when a user clicks on the object or hovers his mouse over it. Take the following steps to run a program in a presentation:

1. Select an object.

2. Click on the Insert tab and select the Action option.

3. The Action Settings dialog box appears. Select the Run program radio button. Click the Browse button.

4. The Select a Program to Run dialog box appears. Select a program, and then click the OK button.

Note: Whenever a user clicks the object during a slide show, the selected program will automatically run.

Answer option B is incorrect. A hyperlink is used to link a destination. However, it is not able to execute any program efficiently.

Answer option A is incorrect. The Reuse Slides feature is used to reuse a slide from one presentation to another presentation.

Answer option D is incorrect. The Set Up Slide Show option is used to set up the show type, show options, pen color, and slide show resolution, for example, a slide show without animation. By using it, a user can apply advanced options such as presented by a speaker.


Objective: Multimedia


Which of the following is a list of the references in a legal document, such as cases, statutes, and rules, along with the page numbers on which the references appear?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

Table of Authorities is a list of the references in a legal document, such as cases, statutes, and rules, along with the page numbers on which the references appear.

Answer option B is incorrect. Table of Contents is a list of chapters and their sections of a book or a document. Use the list along with the respective page numbers of the chapters and their sections for easy navigation.

Answer option D is incorrect. Table of Figures is a list of the captions for pictures, charts, graphs, slides, or other illustrations in a document. Table of Figures given along with the page numbers on which the captions appear.

Answer option C is incorrect. It is not a valid type of list.


Objective: Collaborative Editing


Which of the following steps will you take to remove background of slides?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

Take the following steps to remove background of slides:

Click the Design tab.

Select the Background Styles drop down menu in the Design tab. Click the Reset Slide Background option to remove background of slides.

Answer options B, A, and D are incorrect. These are not valid steps to remove background of slides. Reference: ECDL/ICDL Exam Course Manual, Contents: 'Background of slides'


Objective: Pictures, Images, Drawn Objects

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