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Dell EMC E20-526 PDF

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Your knowledge and abilities are validated by passing the Dell EMC E20-526 exam. Our PDF questions and answers will help you prepare for the E20-526 exam in a short time because it includes questions similar to the real Dell EMC exam questions. After downloading the E20-526 Dell EMC PDF exam questions, relevant to the actual exam, you can take a print of all questions and prepare them anytime, anywhere.

Realistic Scenario Based Dell EMC E20-526 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified Technology Architect and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real E20-526 questions. Students can benefit from the E20-526 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The E20-526 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based Dell EMC E20-526 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


When using the XtremIO PoC Toolkit, what is the purpose of the Age phase?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

Proceed with filesystem aging by doing random overwrite cycles.


A user attempts to create a quorum disk for a host cluster. Volume parameters are:

However, the volume creation fails. What caused the process to fail?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

The volume size must be specified in MB, GB, TB, and not in KB.


You have been asked to design an XtremIO storage array solution that will be used for two large applications workloads. One overload will generate approximately 150,000 write IOPs with an average 4 kB I/O size. The second write workload will have an average I/O size of 128 kB and will generate approximately 2 GB/s of throughput.

At a minimum, how many X-Bricks are needed in a single cluster to meet this requirement?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

Second write workload IOPS = 2 GB/s divided by 128 kB = 2 x1,073,741,824 / (128 x 1,024) = 16384 IOPs.

Total IOPS required would be 150,000, from the first workload, plus 16384, totaling 166384.

A 2 X-Brick cluster provides 300K Read/write IOPS so it would be adequate.

Storage capacity and performance scale linearly, such that two X-Bricks supply twice the IOPS, four X-Bricks supply four times the IOPS, six X-Bricks supply six times the IOPS and eight X-Bricks supply eight times the IOPS of the single X-Brick configuration.

Note: Choose an EMC XtremIO system and scale out linearly by adding more XtremIO X-Bricks.

References: https://store.emc.com/en-us/Product-Family/EMC-XtremIO-Products/EMC-XtremIO-All-Flash-Scale-Out-Array/p/EMC-XtremIO-Flash-Scale-Out


How can REST API commands be run to manage and monitor an XtremIO cluster?

Answer: C

See the explanation below.

The XtremIO's RESTful API allows HTTPS-based interface for automation, orchestration, query and provisioning of the system. With the API, third party applications can be used to control and fully administer the array.

Normally you would access the API using some form of programming/scripting language, such as Python or Perl. However for the purposes of learning or testing concepts there are a number of tools that work better, such as HTTPRrequester and curl.

* Curl is a command-line tool that exists in all Linux distributions, and is available for most other Unix OSes as well as Windows.

To use curl to access XtremIO you'll need to pass it a few options, such as the username/password to access the array (any valid account on the XtremIO XMS will work), the URL of the API, and potentially a few options such as -k to tell curl not to validate the SSL certificate (presuming you don't have a valid certificate installed), and -s (silent) to stop curl displaying it's progress as it downloads the response.

* HTTPRequester is a browser extension that is available for both Chrome and Firefox.

As with for curl, you'll need to provide a username/password, which is done by clicking on the ''Authentication...'' box, which adds two boxes below the URL for the username and the password.



How should a storage administrator navigate to different XtremIO clusters from the XMS GUI if the administrator has more than one cluster managed by the same XMS?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

From the menu bar, the Inventory icon is to be clicked to display the Inventory workspace. This workspace takes the place of the Hardware workspace in earlier versions of the XtremIO GUI. With the All Clusters tab selected, we can see a list of all the hardware elements in the managed clusters.

Note: With time, additional clusters can be added to a deployed XMS. In addition, a cluster can be easily moved from one XMS to another. All management interfaces (GUI/CLI/REST) offer inherent multi-cluster management capabilities. Multiple cluster management is supported from version 4.0 and up.



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