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BCS MBP18 PDF Exam Questions:

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Your knowledge and abilities are validated by passing the BCS MBP18 exam. Our PDF questions and answers will help you prepare for the MBP18 exam in a short time because it includes questions similar to the real BCS exam questions. After downloading the MBP18 BCS PDF exam questions, relevant to the actual exam, you can take a print of all questions and prepare them anytime, anywhere.

Realistic Scenario Based BCS MBP18 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified Business Analysis and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real MBP18 questions. Students can benefit from the MBP18 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The MBP18 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based BCS MBP18 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


In order to identify potential improvements, a business analyst has been asked to document the current customer sales experience in a large, electrical superstore. Whilst shadowing a customer service advisor, a sale was lost because the advisor couldn't authorise a price discount for a customer, who had seen the product advertised at a lower price by a competitor. The customer advisor tried to discount the product to match the competitor's price but was unable to do so.

The customer service advisor explained that this discounting required management approval and. unfortunately, both managers authorised to do this were on their lunch break

What element of the POPII model had caused the sale to fail?

Answer: A

A business analyst has identified the following pattern of business activity in a process she has been asked to improve:


The following observations have been made.

a) The handle-offs in the process are unlikely to be worthy of further investigation.

b) The impact of bottlenecks in the tasks performed by Actor 2 should be explored.

c) The first task of actor 1 should always be immediately after the trigger event

d) The impact of bottlenecks in the tasks performed by Actor 3 should be explored.

Which of these observations are CORRECT?

Answer: C

Currently, all training offered by a company is delivered through classroom-based courses. The company recognizes that there is a need to offer a broader method of instruction. Such a change will enable company to return its market share and grow its customer base.

The proposed solution, driven by the IT department, will offer courses delivered over the web and 'on demand.'' this will include supported videos, games and quizzes. All courses will be accredited by examination bodies and sample exams will also be offered online. Student will be able to make online notes as needed and back these up. 10 guard against accident loss.

The following have been identified on 'to-be process models:

a) Watch Video

b) Create quiz

c) Accredit course.

d) Undertake sample examination.

e) Backup

Which of these would be considered as functional requirements relating to student use of the proposed IT system?

Answer: B

A new project has been commissioned within an organisation's finance department. The assigned business analyst has decided to produce a functional view model to help him understand the department's work-Modeling the functional view of the finance department is advantageous, as it does which of the following ?

Answer: C

A company's electronic content management system was implemented last year, a business analyst has now been brought in to assess the business benefits of the system.

The analyst learnt that the project's business case was primarily built around the efficiency that paperless order processing would bring and that the project went well, but the expected business benefit have not all been realized. In the course of an investigation, it was found that the sales team are continuing to out hard copies of customer order.

Which element of POPIT did the project not fully consider?

Answer: D

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