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Arcitura Education C90.03 PDF

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Your knowledge and abilities are validated by passing the Arcitura Education C90.03 exam. Our PDF questions and answers will help you prepare for the C90.03 exam in a short time because it includes questions similar to the real Arcitura Education exam questions. After downloading the C90.03 Arcitura Education PDF exam questions, relevant to the actual exam, you can take a print of all questions and prepare them anytime, anywhere.

Realistic Scenario Based Arcitura Education C90.03 PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified Certified Cloud Technology Professional and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real C90.03 questions. Students can benefit from the C90.03 exam questions which are available in PDF format. The C90.03 exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based Arcitura Education C90.03 questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Cloud Service Consumer A invokes Cloud Service A from Cloud X (owned by Cloud Provider X) (1). To fulfill the request from Cloud Service Consumer A, Cloud Service A needs to invoke Cloud Service B that resides on Cloud Y (owned by Cloud Provider Y) (2). After completing its processing, Cloud Service B sends a response to Cloud Service A (3). Cloud Service A verifies the response and then finally sends its response to Cloud Service Consumer A (4).


The guaranteed availability of the Cloud Service A implementation is 95% and the guaranteed availability of the Cloud Service B implementation is 95%. Which of the following statements accurately describes the actual availability that Cloud Service Consumer A can receive based on the described scenario?

Answer: B

The cloud service owner of Cloud Service A is evaluating Clouds X, Y and Z to determine which cloud environment can offer the greatest level of reliability. All three clouds are geographically dispersed across three separate time zones. As a result, each cloud experiences usage peaks at different times. Based on the metrics provided, the greater the usage of a cloud, the lower its reliability. When the cloud service owner complains to Cloud Provider A (the owner of all three clouds) that none of the clouds provide an adequate level of reliability, Cloud Provider A suggests a solution that increases resiliency.


Which of the following statements accurately describes a solution that can be used to fulfill the resiliency requirements of Cloud Service A?

Answer: A

Cloud Provider X has deployed a virtualization environment in Cloud X comprised of Physical Server A hosting Virtual Servers A and B. Cloud Provider X implements Cloud Service A on Virtual Server A and makes it available to Cloud Service Consumer A, which interacts with Cloud Service A by sending and receiving messages (1, 2). Cloud Provider Y has deployed a virtualization environment comprised of Physical Server B hosting Virtual Servers C and D. Virtual Server C is made available to Cloud Service Consumer B, which interacts with Virtual Server C (3,4) in order to prepare for the deployment of a new cloud service that will be used internally by Cloud Provider Y to process data obtained from Cloud Service A .


Cloud Consumer Z and Cloud Provider X belong to the same organization. Cloud Provider Y is a third-party organization. Which of the following statements provides a valid scenario that accurately describes the involvement of cloud deployment models, cloud delivery models, roles and/or boundaries? (Note that the correct answer represents one of multiple valid scenarios that can exist.)

Answer: D

A company is planning to build and launch a new SaaS product that will be available for use by the general public. It intends to build the service on-premise and then deploy it in a public cloud. The company has the following set of four requirements for the implementation of the new service:

1. The cloud service needs to exchange messages primarily by using HTTP methods and other features provided by HTTP.

2. The cloud service needs to store highly structured data with potentially complex relationships.

3. The cloud service needs to be deployed on a dedicated virtual server that can be administered with a high level of control by the cloud consumer's own cloud resource administrator.

4. The cloud service needs to be deployed with a minimal amount of integration testing.

For this project, the company has a very limited budget. The company is assessing the IT resources that are offered by Clouds X and Y within the constraints of its limited budget.

Cloud X can offer an IaaS environment with very few proprietary characteristics that includes a database that supports only no relational storage, as well as support for the deployment and usage of REST services.


Cloud Y can offer a PaaS environment with a pre-configured virtual server that includes native support for WSDL and SOAP, as well as a database that supports only relational storage. The implementation of a new service within Cloud Y will require compliance to a high level of proprietary characteristics. As previously listed, the company has identified four specific implementation requirements for its new cloud service. Which of the following statements correctly identifies how many of the four requirements Clouds X and Y can directly fulfill?

Answer: D

Cloud Service A is being made available on public Cloud X by Cloud Provider X via the SaaS delivery model. Cloud Service A is hosted by Physical Server A that also hosts cloud services being used by different cloud service consumers (and owned by different cloud service owners). Cloud Provider X needs to make Cloud Service A available to a new group of cloud service consumers, but must do so without the increase in usage volume affecting Cloud Service Consumers A and B .


Which of the following statements does not accurately describe a solution (or a set of solutions) that addresses this requirement?

Answer: A

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