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APMG-International Change-Management-Foundation PDF Exam Questions:

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APMG-International Change-Management-Foundation PDF

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Your knowledge and abilities are validated by passing the APMG-International Change-Management-Foundation exam. Our PDF questions and answers will help you prepare for the Change-Management-Foundation exam in a short time because it includes questions similar to the real APMG-International exam questions. After downloading the Change-Management-Foundation APMG-International PDF exam questions, relevant to the actual exam, you can take a print of all questions and prepare them anytime, anywhere.

Realistic Scenario Based APMG-International Change-Management-Foundation PDF Exam Questions:

Everyone wants to become certified Change Management Certifications and improve his/her resume. You should practice with real Change-Management-Foundation questions. Students can benefit from the Change-Management-Foundation exam questions which are available in PDF format. The Change-Management-Foundation exam questions and answers are designed to match the criteria of the actual exam. If you use scenario-based APMG-International Change-Management-Foundation questions you will have an extra potential to clear the exam on the first attempt.


Which of the following statement about communication approaches that encourage engagement during change are true?

It is helpful to delay communication until all the information is avoiding the risk of misleading people with insufficient data.

An external communications agency should be asked to relay messages when dealing with a difficult change.

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

Communication approaches that encourage engagement during change should be timely, transparent, honest, consistent, and two-way. It is not helpful to delay communication until all the information is available, as this can create uncertainty and anxiety among stakeholders. It is also not advisable to use an external communications agency to relay messages when dealing with a difficult change, as this can undermine trust and credibility of the change leaders. Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper%201%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)


Which is an engagement level of Mayfield's stakeholder radar technique?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

Mayfield's stakeholder radar technique identifies four levels of engagement for stakeholders: required, desired, actual, and planned. The required level of engagement is the minimum level that is necessary for the stakeholder to support the change or at least not resist it. Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper%202%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)


According to Lewin's Force-field analysis' which action needs to occur if an organization desires to make change more quickly?

Answer: B

See the explanation below.

Lewin's force-field analysis is a tool to identify the driving and restraining forces for a change. Driving forces are those that push for the change, while restraining forces are those that oppose or resist the change. To make change more quickly, driving forces need to be augmented (increased or strengthened) and/or restraining forces need to be reduced or removed. Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper%203%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)


Which statement about Senge's system thinking model is correct?

Answer: A

See the explanation below.

Senge's system thinking model is a holistic approach to understand how different elements in an organization interact and influence each other. Processes are one of the elements that can either support or limit the effectiveness of change, depending on how they are designed and implemented. The other statements are not correct, as they do not reflect Senge's model. Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper%204%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)


Which of the following is a purpose of creating a change management plan when preparing for change?

Answer: D

See the explanation below.

One of the purposes of creating a change management plan when preparing for change is to record a list of all the change risks and the responsive actions required. This helps to identify potential threats and opportunities for the change and plan how to mitigate or exploit them. The other options are not purposes of a change management plan, but rather outcomes or inputs of other processes or activities. Reference: https://apmg-international.com/sites/default/files/Change%20Management%20Foundation%20Sample%20Paper%205%20-%20v1.0.pdf (page 11)

Reliable Source Of Preparation For Change Management Foundation Exam.

We provide Change Management Certifications certification questions along with answers to assist students in passing the APMG-International Exam. You can enhance your APMG-International Change-Management-Foundation preparation with the help of an online practice engine. Try out our APMG-International Change-Management-Foundation questions because 98% of Examskit users passed the final Change-Management-Foundation exam in one go.